Political and social actors in TV news programmes. A challenge for Mexican TV channels





Mexican television, agenda setting, political journalism


Broadcast television is the main medium of communication in Mexico, but its news programmes offer biased information regarding political issues, as they tend to privilege governmental sources of information to the detriment of non-official sources. Method: In order to prove this hypothesis, the contents of the two most-watched TV news programmes in Mexico were analysed to identify the political actors that appeared the most, the diversity of sources, and the frequency of appearance. The obtained data were subjected to the regular statistical analyses used in content analysis, while the Gini index, which is a measure of statistical dispersion, was used to establish the degree of imbalance in the representation of the different political actors in news programmes. Results: The findings indicate that the main sources of information included in the TV news programmes were members of Mexico’s Federal Government and, to a lesser extent, the legislative power and the state governments. Furthermore, of the different political parties operating in Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the current ruling party, is the most represented in TV news programmes. Unsurprisingly, the main issues addressed in TV news programmes were economy, security and politics, which are precisely also the main issues included in the agenda of the political actors. Conclusions: The empirical evidence confirms the lack of modernisation in Mexican journalism, which is characterised, among other aspects, by the absence of investigative journalism and its adherence to the agenda of the government, particularly the federal administration.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Martinez Garza, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education Monterrey Campus

Francisco Javier Martinez Garza holds a Doctoral degree in Communication and Journalism from the University of Seville and a Master’s degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is member of Mexico’s National System of Researchers (SNI). He has published journal articles on the impact of the media on society. He has participated in workshops and conferences in Mexico and other countries.

Rubén Arnoldo González Macías, Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla

Rubén Arnoldo González Macías is a journalist, teacher and researcher. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences, a Master’s degree in Communication from the Vasco de Quiroga University (Morelia, Mexico), and a PhD degree in Communication Studies from the University of Leeds (UK). He has been reporter, editor and head of research in La Voz de Michoacan newspaper. His research interests focus on the reporter-source relationship, the training of journalists, and political journalism. His academic work has been presented and published in Mexico, South America and Europe.

Oscar Mario Miranda Villanueva, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education Monterrey Campus

Oscar Mario Miranda Villanueva holds a Doctoral degree in Humanities with speciality in Communication and Cultural Studies and a Master’s degree in International Communication and New Technologies, both from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. Former research fellow for the Centre for Communication and Information Research (CINCO) of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM), for four and a half years, and for the Tampere Research Group for Cultural and Political Sociology of the University of Tampere (Finland) for a year and a half. 

His publications include three journal articles and a book chapter. In addition, one of his articles has been accepted for publication, one more is been evaluated by a journal, and another one is finished and about to be sent out for evaluation. He is currently Associate professor at the Department of Communication and Journalism of the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. He teaches Communication and media studiesqualitative research methods and media, culture and society.


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How to Cite

Martinez Garza, Francisco Javier, Rubén Arnoldo González Macías, and Oscar Mario Miranda Villanueva. 2015. “Political and social actors in TV news programmes. A challenge for Mexican TV channels”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 70 (November):750-64. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2015-1069.




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