Analysis of the Canary Islands’ new Public Radio and Television Law


  • Ramón Zallo Elguezabal University of the Basque Country



Canary Islands’ Public Radio and Television Law, regional radio and television, public Service broadcasting


The new Public Radio and Television Law of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands (Law 13/2014, of 26 December), came into force in a delicate time for the Spanish regional public radio and television networks, which are currently been questioned on several fronts. It is also the result of the application of Spain’s 2010 General Law on Audiovisual Communication and its amendment by law 6/2012, of 1st August, on Management relaxation for regional public service TV channels. The article analyses the use of the opportunities offered by the General Law to democratise the media (an area in which minimal progress has been made), to develop a self-management model for TV programming and content, and to face the challenges of the Internet. The article concludes that the Canarian Law is a step forward in regional public service broadcasting in comparison to previous models but does not go far enough to strengthen the public service mission of its regional radio and television network in this stage of the digital revolution. In addition to examining the terms and spirit of the final legislative document, the article addresses its process of conception and the philosophy that permeates it, based on the analysis of the amendments proposed by the different parliamentary groups throughout the course of its negotiation.


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Author Biography

Ramón Zallo Elguezabal, University of the Basque Country

Ramon Zallo Elguezabal (Gernika 1948) holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law (1971) and in Economics (1970), as well as a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences. He is Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the University of the Basque Country. He is specialised in audiovisual cultural, and communicative structures, economy, and policies since 1978.

On economy and cultural and communicative policies, he has published many articles in journals such as Telos, Zer and Oikos. He is the author of “Economía de la comunicación y la cultura” (1987), “El mercado de la cultura” (1992), and editor of “Industrias y políticas culturales en España y País Vasco” (1995). Coordinator, with E. Bustamante, of the book titled “Industrias culturales en España” (1988), and with P. Azpillaga and J.C. de Miguel of “Komunikabideak Hemen” (Media Structure in the Basque Country) (2002).

He is also the author of chapters in various collective books. The last four chapters were coordinated by E. Bustamante: “Comunicación y cultura en la era digital. Industrias, mercados y diversidad en España” (2002); “Hacia un nuevo sistema mundial de comunicación. Las industrias culturales en la era digital” (2003); “Cultura y comunicación para el siglo XXI. Diagnóstico y políticas públicas” (Ideco-Tenerife, 2007); and “El audiovisual digital. Políticas y estrategias desde las Comunidades autónomas” (Tenerife, 2009).

Sporadic political analyst in newspapers and magazines. He recently wrote for Viento Sur the article titled “ETA after the permanent cease-fire of 2006 “and offered an analysis of the Egunkaria case. He has published several books on Basque culture and politics, including: Euskadi o la Segunda Transición (“Basque country or the second transition”) (1996); El país de los vascos: de los acontecimientos de Ermua al segundo Gobierno Ibarretxe (”The country of the Basque people: from the Ermua events to the second Ibarretxe Government”) (2001); “El Pueblo Vasco, hoy. Cultura, historia y sociedad en la era de la diversidad y del conocimiento” (“The Basque people, today. Culture, history and society in the age of diversity and knowledge”) (2007), published in four languages; and Conocer el País Vasco y su cultura (“Getting to know the Basque Country and its culture”) (2008), edited by the Basque Government in seven languages for immigrants, visitors and and the Basque diaspora. He has coordinated and co-authored the university text book on cultural, economic, social and political issues: El País Vasco en sus encrucijadas: diagnósticos y propuestas (“The Basque Country’s dilemmas: diagnosis and proposals”) (2008).

He gained experience in strategic cultural and communicative management after working as advisor of the Minister of Culture of the Basque Government in matters of communication, audiovisual media and culture from 2002 to 2009. He is the main author of the Basque Plan for Culture (2004-2015) and the “Guidelines for the Second Basque Plan for culture: 2009-2012”. He also participated in the writing of the White Book on Audiovisual Media of the Basque Country (2003), from which Cluster EIKEN derived. He also participated in the implementation of the Basque Observatory of Culture (2006), as well as in the preparation of the Basque legislation on FM radio, Local Digital Television, the Bill on Communication and the Audiovisual Council, the decree on the Financing of the Audiovisual Industry in the Basque Country; and was adviser in the two Contracts Programmes with EITB.

He is the director of the “Communication structure and policies” section of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC), as well as President of the Spanish section of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (ULEPICC). 


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How to Cite

Zallo Elguezabal, R. (2015). Analysis of the Canary Islands’ new Public Radio and Television Law. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 322–346.


