Purposes of the communication between companies and their Facebook followers





Online social networks, digital conversation, customer service, social customer, telecommunications


Research on consumers’ behaviour in online social networks is generating increasing interest among the business community due to the new and unexplored opportunities and threats of social networks, including the vast amount of data generated day after day. The objective of this study is to explore the use of Facebook as a source of valuable information about the interaction between Mexican telecom companies and their followers. Methods: The study is based on a qualitative approach, which involved the analysis of 2,000 posts (1,000 made by telecoms and 1,000 made by followers). Results and conclusions: the findings suggest that telecom companies use Facebook mainly for public relations and advertising and promotion purposes, while their users use this social network primarily to report incidents and problems and to make complaints and request information.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Valerio Ureña, Technological de Monterrey

Gabriel Valerio Ureña holds an Engineer’s degree in Computer Systems; a Master’s degree in Information Technology Management; and a PhD degree in Educational Innovation, from the Monterey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, where he works as a Research Professor.

He is member of Mexico’s National Researchers System. He has published several popular and scientific articles on the impact of social networks in education and business. 

He has led workshops, conferences and presentations in Spain, France, Brazil, Colombia, Nicaragua, Panama, and Czech Republic, among other countries.

Dagoberto José Herrera Murillo, Technological of Monterrey

Dagoberto Jose Herrera Murillo holds an Engineer’s degree in Business and Information Technologies, from the Monterey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, where he is currently working as research assistant at the Knowledge Systems Centre. Its research efforts focus on the quantitative analysis and strategic use of social networks for education and business. 

He is the co-author of two articles on the previous subjects, published by the Universities and Knowledge Society Journal and Palabra Clave. He completed his internship social service at the Prepanet programme (a high school programme for low-income people), as tutor and coordinator. 

He has participated as assistant in several conferences (the 2012 World Business Forum and the 2013 Project Management International Symposium.

Natalia Herrera Murillo, Technological of Monterrey

Natalia Herrera Murillo holds an Engineer’s degree in Business and Information Technologies, from the Monterey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, where she is currently working as research assistant at the Knowledge Systems Centre.

She participated in an academic exchange at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business of the University of Victoria, Canada.

Francisco Javier Martinez Garza, Technological of Monterrey

Francisco Javier Martínez Garza holds a PhD degree in Communication and Journalism from the University of Seville, and a Master’s degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

He is part of Mexico’s National Researchers System. He has published popular and scientific articles on the participation and impact of the media in society, and has participated in workshops and conferences in México and other countries.


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How to Cite

Valerio Ureña, Gabriel, Dagoberto José Herrera Murillo, Natalia Herrera Murillo, and Francisco Javier Martinez Garza. 2015. “Purposes of the communication between companies and their Facebook followers”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 70 (February):110-21. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2015-1037.




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