Interactivity, digital dividend and information in the implementation of DTT. The case study of Ecuador




Digital television, interactivity, democratisation, information, audiovisual, public policy


This research study seeks to establish the reason why interactivity is absent from Ecuador’s digital terrestrial television (DTT) broadcasts; to identify the use given to the digital dividend; and to determine the knowledge the Ecuadorian population has about the implementation of DTT. Method. The study is based on the review of governmental documents, interviews with representatives of the sectors involved and surveys. Results. Interactive applications linked to public services are being developed at universities but they are not been integrated in DTT broadcasts. The digital dividend will be used for mobile broadband. There is a lack of information campaigns about the features of DTT. Conclusions. Ecuador has the capacity to create interactive applications; the benefits of interactivity are conditioned to the universal acceptance of the middleware language. The allocation of the digital dividend for its exploitation by private companies and the development of IPTV have led to an uncertain future about users’ consumption forms. The responsibilities and cooperation mechanisms of the government and private companies to promote the transition to DTT among the population are yet to be defined.


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Author Biographies

Abel Suing, Technical Particular University of Loja

Doctor in Communication. Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Researcher in the area of communication policy and television. Member of the Ecuadorian Society of Communication Researchers and Ecuador’s National Union of Journalists. Former fellow of Ecuador’s National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.

Catalina Mier, Technical Particular University of Loja

Doctor in Communication and Journalism at the Santiago de Compostela University. Degree in Social Communication from the State University of Cuenca. Professor of Educommunication in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. He currently coordinates the Communication, Power and Citizenship Network Research Group and the UTPL Communication Observatory. It participates in the Ibero-American Network of Audiovisual Narratives and the Euro-American Interuniversity Research Network on media competencies ALFAMED. He was part of CIESPAL in 2014-2015 from the General Secretariat and contributed from 2010 to 2013 in the Advisory Council of public television Ecuador Tv and in 2014 in the Editorial Council of Ecuador TV.

Kruzkaya Ordóñez, Technical Particular University of Loja

Master in Communication and Creative Industries (2010). PhD student at the University of Santiago Compostela (Spain). Professor and researcher at the Department of Communication Sciences (audiovisual narratives section) of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Coordinator of the Communication Management Unit of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Director and producer of scientific research reports.


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How to Cite

Suing, A., Mier, C. ., & Ordóñez, K. (2014). Interactivity, digital dividend and information in the implementation of DTT. The case study of Ecuador. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (69), 508–532.




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