Television news bulletins in the Franco era. An investigation of the sources




TVE, history of television in Spain, programming, information sources, telediarios during the Franco era (television news bulletins)


Introduction. A major drawback of the existing studies on the history of television in Spain under Franco is their failure to analyse direct sources. Objectives. The aim of this research is to analyse TVE´s telediarios (television news bulletins) during the Franco era, using new and specific data. Method. Rather than using them purely as examples, this research makes comprehensive use of the programme schedules found in La VanguardiaAbc and Tele Radio, as well as TVE’s official broadcast reports. Conclusions. Through the use of these sources, this paper intends to demonstrate the availability of a wide range of resources, on the basis of which there is a need for new critical studies on the history of television in Spain to be carried out.


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Author Biographies

Julio Montero Díaz, Complutense University of Madrid

Full Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. His main research topics are history and social history of audiovisual mediaand broadcasting, and the history of non-fiction film.

From 1996 to 2006, heset up and managed the postgraduate course on the history of documentaryfilm production at the Complutense University.

He has written numerous books and articles, many of them co-authored with María Antonia Paz (Lo que el viento no se llevó. El cine en la memoria de los españoles, 1931-1982La larga sombra de Hitler. El cine nazi en España (1933-1945)Creando la realidad. El cine informativo, 18995-1945La imagen pública de la monarquía. Alfonso XIII en la prensa y en los noticiarios cinematográficos de su época).  

He has also produced documentaries, several of them about the Spanish Civil War.

From 1995 he managed, at Madrid, the Jornadas Internacionales de Historia y Cine, biannual international encounters.

Head of four National research projects from 2002 to now.

Angel L. Rubio Moraga, Complutense University of Madrid

Ph.D. in Information Sciences and B.A. in Journalism, both by the Complutense University of Madrid. Associate Professor at the Department of History of Social Communication of the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Specialist in new information technologies, internet and digital journalism. He has published numerous articles on these subjects in particular about the features and transformations of the journalist in view of the new digital challenge, and on the freedom of expression in the Internet, the exercise of citizens’ rights and duties on the Internet, and the evolution of the information society in Spain and the Nordic area.

On this last aspect he has recently published two books: Industrias culturales. El modelo nórdico como referencia en España (Cultural industries. The Nordic model as reference in Spain (co-authored by Mariano Cebrián and Javier Maestro and published by Comunicación Social in 2011); and La Sociedad de la información en los países bálticos. Bajo el influjo del modelo nórdico (The information society in the Baltic countries. Under the influence of the Nordic model), edited by Mariano Cebrián and published by Gedisa in 2009.

He is also the coordinator of the series of books Prensa y Periodismo Especializado. Historia y Realidad Actual (Specialised Press and Journalism. History and Current Reality), published by Grupo Editorial Henares every two years from 2000 until 2010.

He is currently taking part in various research projects on communication and research in the field of the media and the information society. Some of these projects are, for example: Televisión y Cultura Popular Durante el Franquismo: Programación, Programas y Consumo Televisivo (1956-1975) (Television and Popular Culture During the Francoism: Programming, Programmes and Television Consumption) directed by Julio Montero-Diaz; Las industrias culturales en la Sociedad de la Información y el conocimiento de los países nórdicos (Cultural industries in the Information and Knowledge Society of the Nordic Countries), directed by Mariano Cebrián-Herreros; and Neurocomunicación: Gestión de la comunicación social basada en las neurociencias. Experimento de creación e inteligencia conectiva o a escamas (Neuro-communication: Management of Social Communication based on Neuroscience. Experiment of connective or escalated creation and intelligence), directed by JesúsTimoteo-Álvarez.

Tamara Antona Jimeno, Complutense University of Madrid

Tamara Antona is Resercher in History of Social Comunicacion in the Complutense University of Madrid. She works in the history of the Spanish television since the born of  TVE to the death of Franco.

She studied Journalism at the Carlos III University of Madrid and Audiovisual Comunication in the same institution. In addition, she is specialist in theory and investigation of the Social Comunicacion (Master Degree at Complutense University).

She has got experience in the field of the journalism and in managing R&Dprojects.

Juan Martín Quevedo, International University of La Rioja

Juan Martín (Madrid, 1986) studied Journalism in the Complutense University and he has a Master Degree in Social Communication in the same centre.

Nowadays he teaches Digital Content Managment and Information´s Structure in the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).

He also teaches History of Spanish Journalism in Villanueva University. His research topics deal with history of the audiovisual media during Franco´sp eriod in the Second Channel. This is the topic of his PhD Disertation in course.

Laura Fernández Ramírez, Burgos University

Laura Fernández Ramírez graduated on 2005 in Communicational Studies (Universidad Complutense, Madrid).

Her area of expertise is film editing. She graduated in Madrid’s Film School (ECAM) on this subject.
She also has a master’s degree in television direction from RTVE and UCM.

Currently, she is finishing her PHD thesis named Methodology for film editing analysis. The case of War films, Saving Private Ryan and Black Hawk Down.

She teaches Film Studies in Universidad de Burgos. Laura Fernández Ramírez previously teached TV direction, film editing, film History and film Narrative in CES Felipe II (UCM). She has also worked as editor, directing assistant, editing assistant and continuity supervisor on various films and television programs.


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How to Cite

Montero Díaz, J., Rubio Moraga, A. L. ., Antona Jimeno, T., Martín Quevedo, J. ., & Fernández Ramírez, L. . (2014). Television news bulletins in the Franco era. An investigation of the sources. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (69), 152–175.


