Agenda setting in Ecuadorian media. Daily: El Universo, El Mercurio, El Comercio and El Telégrafo




Agenda setting, printed media, investigative journalism, origin of information, structure of media


Using the agenda setting as a fundamental basis, this study aims to: a) examine the philosophy of four major newspapers in Ecuador (El UniversoEl TelégrafoEl Comercio and El Mercurio); and b) to analyze the daily writing of journalistic themes. Methods: In this study, we analyze newspaper content during the period from 16th April to 18th May, 2012, by using a research grid consisting of nine separate sections. Results: The main public sources of information are highlighted in this article. The daily production methods used in mass media resulted in being favorable to investigative journalism.  Conversely, short news items tended to occupy more space in the four newspapers that were the subject of this study. Discussion: The lack of investigative journalism is a pervasive issue in many case studies in this field. Journalists often prefer to carry out their daily activities with the help of public organizations or entities where it is easier to find newsworthy events. Conclusions: Many different forms of mass media are being monitored today to determine their importance in providing journalism. Information agencies usually carry out their work by meeting the needs of special interests.


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Author Biographies

Diana Rivera Rogel, Technical Particular University of Loja

Full professor of Printed Media at the bachelor’s programme in Social Communication of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja since 2006.

Diana Rivera Rogel holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication; a Diploma in Advanced Studies; and a doctoral degree in Communication and Journalism from the Universidad Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Since May 2012, she has directed the Department of Communication Sciences of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. She is also a co-editor of the journal Comunicar.

Dr. Rivera has participated in 4 funded research projects: 1) Historia de la Comunicación de Ecuador. Prensa, radio, televisión, fotografía y medios digitales (“History of Communication in Ecuador: Press, radio, television, photography and digital media”); 2) Estudio del estado de la empresa periodística en Ecuador (“Study of the state of news media companies in Ecuador”); 3) Mapa de la comunicación del Ecuador (“Ecuador’s Media Communications Map”); and 4) Análisis de la agenda setting de los medios de comunicación televisivos, impresos y digitales de Ecuador (“Analysis of the agenda setting of the broadcasting, print and digital media of Ecuador”).

In 2012, Dr. Rivera was selected by the UNESCO and the FELAFACS to teach the course in Online and multimedia Journalism for countries in the Andean region.

María Isabel Punín, Technical Particular University of Loja

Full professor of Journalistic Genres in the bachelor’s programme in Social Communication of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja since 2000.

María Isabel Punín holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidad Católica de Cuenca, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in University Quality Management, from the Universidad de Sevilla (Spain); and a Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism from the Universidad Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Her doctoral thesis was titled “The training of Social Communicators in Ecuador: The case studies of Universidad Central del Ecuador, Universidad del Azuay and Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja”.

She is member of the Board of Consultants and Editor of ‘Dialogos, and reviewer of the journals Comunicar (Huelva, Spain) and Diálogos. She has participated in 3 funded projects: 1) Historia de la Comunicación de Ecuador. Prensa, radio, televisión, fotografía y medios digitales (“History of Communication in Ecuador: Press, radio, television, photography and digital media”); 2) Mapa de la comunicación del Ecuador (“Ecuador’s Media Communications Map”); and 3) Análisis de la agenda setting de los medios de comunicación televisivos, impresos y digitales de Ecuador (“Analysis of the agenda setting of the broadcasting, print and digital media of Ecuador”).

In 2012, she was named the coordinator of the bachelor’s open and onsite programme in Social Communication of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador).

Daniela Calva Cabrera, Technical Particular University of Loja

Daniela Calva holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication (2012) from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.

In September 2012, she was selected by the Department of Communication Sciences of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja during the Open Call for Research Scholarships to participate in the project “Analysis of the agenda setting of the broadcasting, print and digital media in Ecuador”.

She also participated as co-author of the article "Principales actores en el establecimiento en la agenda setting” (“Main actors in the agenda setting”), which was published by the journal Aularia.

She is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of Communication Science of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, where she is working on the project titled Historia de la Comunicación de Ecuador. Prensa, radio, televisión, fotografía y medios digitales (“History of Communication in Ecuador: Press, radio, television, photography and digital media”).


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How to Cite

Rivera Rogel, Diana, María Isabel Punín, and Daniela Calva Cabrera. 2013. “Agenda setting in Ecuadorian media. Daily: El Universo, El Mercurio, El Comercio and El Telégrafo”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 68 (September):529-44.


