Reforms to the European regional minority-language television corporations in the current context of crisis




European regional television, public service television, linguistic identity, governance


The European economic crisis has motivated the reform of some of the most important European regional television corporations, like Scotland’s BBC Alba, Wales’s S4C and Ireland’s TG4. This article analyses the situation of these regional TV operators, the fulfillment of their public service mission, funding, and governance, and then offers a comparison between these TV systems and Spain’s regional minority-language TV corporations: EITB, CCMA, RTVG, RTVA and IB3. The initial hypothesis of the study is that the reform of the Spanish system of regional television corporations should only adopt some aspects of the European regional television corporations, because the size and the public service mission of the former is greater those of the latter.


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Author Biography

Ana Azurmendi, University of Navarra

Professor of Communication Law at the School of Communication of the University of Navarra since 1991.

She is the author of eight books, including: Derecho de la Comunicación (“Communication Law”,Bosch, Barcelona, 2011); La Reforma de la Televisión Pública Española (“The reform of the Spanish Public Television”, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2007); El derecho a la propia imagen (“The right to a personal image”, 1st edition, Madrid, 1997; 2nd edition, Mexico City, 1998); El Consejo Audiovisual de Navarra. Sus funciones y competencias en el contexto europeo de regulación del sector audiovisual (“Audiovisual Council of Navarre. Duties and powers in the European context of the regulation of the audiovisual sector”, Consejo Audiovisual de Navarra, Pamplona, 2009). She is also the author of 24 articles published in indexed journals and 26 book chapters.

She has been Professor of Communication Law in the “Comparative Media Law” programme of the University of Oxford (July 2006) and at the University of Paris II (February 2003); Professor at the Ph.D. programme in Public Liberties and Fundamental Rights of the Universities of Salamanca and Panamericana (2007-2008); Professor at the Ph.D. programme in Information Law of the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), Universidad de Occidente and the Ibero-American University (2000-2003); Professor of Intellectual Property Rights in the M.A. programme in Digital Creation and Communication of the University of La Coruña (1998-2009).

She has participated in eight funded research projects on Public Service Television, Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment and the Conflicts between Personal Rights and the Freedom of Expression.

In 2001 she was appointed evaluator of the Technical Committee of the National Plan of Quality Assessment and participated in the quality assessment of the Schools of Communication of the Carlos III University (2006), the University of Malaga (2006), the Camilo José Cela University (2006), the University of the Basque Country (2005), the Pontifical University of Salamanca (2003), and the San Pablo-CEU University of Madrid (2001).


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How to Cite

Azurmendi, Ana. 2013. “Reforms to the European regional minority-language television corporations in the current context of crisis”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 68 (April):355-82.


