Application of the critique of dispositives to the performative dinner "El Somni" by El Celler de Can Roca and Fran Aleu




Gastronomy, dispositives, art, molecular cuisine


From the concepts cradled by the critique of dispositives are discerned and analyzed the technical, pragmatic and symbolic (often overlapping) levels of the gastronomic opera "El Somni" (The Dream) proposed in 2013 by the brothers Roca and Fran Aleu. Thanks to this study, we observed that "El Somni" turns out to be a transgression of the traditional conception of gastronomy as a tool for obtaining pleasure or happiness through taste and a subversive dispositive that shakes the standard structures and the expectations placed on a meal, with which avant-garde cuisine transcends the merely alimentary to become an artistic language. And despite this, the diner keeps its socialization habits



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Author Biographies

Anne-Claire Yemsi-Paillissé, University of Toulouse

Currently, Yemsi-Paillissé is professor in Institut Supérieur du Tourisme de l’Hôtellerie et de l’Alimentation and academic responsible of the Master’s degree 1 and 2 Food Diet mention Engineering and Management of Collective Catering.

Her researches are focused on the relationships between arts and food diet in contemporary Spain: culinary arts, scenography of food, performative dinners, creation and innovation in molecular cuisine.

She dedicates to transferring artistic analysis tools to the field of current culinary productions. She participated in a number of the journal Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social about “Los nuevos dispositivos escenográficos en la alta gastronomía española : hacia otras formas de socialidad : Dos Palillos, D´stage y La Cabra”. She also participated in the collective book L’Intermédialité à la croisée des chemins: bilans et perspectives with a study about «La gastronomie espagnole d’avant-garde et les médias: approche intermédiale des dispositifs culinaires contemporains »

Yanet Acosta Meneses, Rey Juan Carlos University

Acosta is currently professor of the Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology of the University Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid and director of the Master’s degree of Communication and Cuisine Journalism of The Foodie Studies. She is PhD in Journalism by UCM and specialist in gastronomic communication.

She is author of Historia de la Información Agraria en España. Desde el siglo XVIII hasta la Agenda 2000 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino,2009); Fotografía gastronómica: Del bodegón al porn food (Sociedad Latina de Comunicación, 2011); Matar al padre (Alrevés, 2017), El Chef ha muerto (Amargord, 2011), No hay trabajo bueno (, 2013) and Noches sin sexo (Adeshoras, 2014).

She participated in the production of El mundo del vino (Larousse, 2013); Correr, cocinar y ser feliz (Ediciones B, 2014) and teaching manuals about “Historia y Cultura gastronómica” (Gastronomic Culture and History) for the Ferran Adrià Chair of Universidad Camilo José Cela, as well as the chapter “El arte culinario tras la Guerra Civil española. El deseo frustrado de un cocinero, Ignacio Doménech” in Dolor, represión y censura política en la cultura del siglo XX (Libargo Editorial, 2017).

Monique Martinez, University of Toulouse

Monique Martinez Thomas, Chair professor in Université Toulouse is theater, cinema and literature specialist in Spanish language. Since 1988 she developed a task of dissemination of contemporary theater in France with the company Les anachroniques (this year making its 30-year anniversary), theater collections texts (Nouvelles Scènes) and research assays (in the Belgian editorial Lansman). For ten years she was involved in the promotion of the doctorate towards socio-economic and cultural sectors, with the creation of the PhD school (4,500 PhDs students). For six years, she has been developing a specific labor of applied research, with non-academic institutions and currently manages RIMEC mixed laboratory (University/ company), promoted by The National Research Agency. She is also guest professor in Universidad Distrital de Bogotá, where she works in the implementation of the PhD of research and creation. Among her latest production in Spanish, there outstands in Naque "José Sanchis Sinisterra: una dramaturgia de las fronteras" and "Interpretar las didascalias” and “Dispositivos y artes: nueva herramienta crítica para analizar las producciones contemporáneas”. Recently, she edited the first book about Applied Theater in France

Monique Martinez, University of Toulouse

Monique Martinez Thomas, Chair professor in Université Toulouse is theater, cinema and literature specialist in Spanish language. Since 1988 she developed a task of dissemination of contemporary theater in France with the company Les anachroniques (this year making its 30-year anniversary), theater collections texts (Nouvelles Scènes) and research assays (in the Belgian editorial Lansman). For ten years she was involved in the promotion of the doctorate towards socio-economic and cultural sectors, with the creation of the PhD school (4,500 PhDs students). For six years, she has been developing a specific labor of applied research, with non-academic institutions and currently manages RIMEC mixed laboratory (University/ company), promoted by The National Research Agency. She is also guest professor in Universidad Distrital de Bogotá, where she works in the implementation of the PhD of research and creation. Among her latest production in Spanish, there outstands in Naque "José Sanchis Sinisterra: una dramaturgia de las fronteras" and "Interpretar las didascalias” and “Dispositivos y artes: nueva herramienta crítica para analizar las producciones contemporáneas”. Recently, she edited the first book about Applied Theater in France

Elvira Calvo Gutiérrez, Complutense University of Madrid

Calvo is currently professor of the Department of Journalism and New Media of the Faculty of Information Sciences of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is specialized in audiovisual media.


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How to Cite

Yemsi-Paillissé, A.-C., Acosta Meneses, Y. ., Martinez, M. ., Martinez, M. ., & Calvo Gutiérrez, E. (2018). Application of the critique of dispositives to the performative dinner "El Somni" by El Celler de Can Roca and Fran Aleu. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (73), 1267–1283.


