Settlement of the Spanish fiction series abroad (2005-2017). The case of the North American adaptation of Los misterios de Laura from the perspective of its creators




TV series, TV adaptation, TV formats, exportation, Spanish television, TV production


The main objective of this paper is to reflect about the success of Spanish TV adaptation abroad. This paper collects the Spanish television series that have been adapted in other markets in the time of consolidation of this phenomenon (2005-2017), and there is an analysis of the production values of the RTVE Spanish series Los Misterios de Laura (La 1, 2009-2014), adapted in USA by NBC under the title The Mysteries of Laura (NBC, 2014- 2016). Methodology. For the empirical part of this research, we have analyzed the production of Spanish TV adaptations, and an in depth interview to the Spanish writers of Los Misterios de Laura’ creators was conducted, as well as the analysis of chapters and the bible of the program.  Conclusions and discussion. This paper highlights the development phase of the idea, where the concept, style and the design of characters are key issues in the adaptation process of a Spanish television series abroad. 


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Author Biographies

Patricia Diego , University of Navarra

Patricia Diego González is Graduate in Audiovisual Communication by Universidad de Navarra and PhD on Communication by the same university where she received the Extraordinary Doctoral Award for the dissertation “The production of television fiction in Spain (1990-2002): historical evolution, industry.”

She is full professor in the Faculty of Communication of Universidad de Navarra where she teaches the subjects “Production of television fiction (series)” and “Grounds of production and management” among others.

She has been visiting researcher in the universities of Westminster (London) and Cork (Ireland). She was Sub-director of the master’s degree in Management of Communication Companies, Deputy at the Management of Studies of the Faculty of Communication and currently Director of the Department of Culture and Audiovisual Communication.

Her research area is focused in the industry and the market of television series in Spain, as well as the study of production standards.

She has published different papers and collaborations in books about this matter, among which there outstand the UTECA report about Television in Spain (2008) and the collective Series de televisión: el caso de Médico de familia, Cuéntame cómo pasó y Los Serrano (Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias (2008).

In 2010 she published the book La ficción en la pequeña pantalla. Cincuenta años de series en España, Eunsa. More recently, papers in different journals are worth mentioning such as El Profesional de la InformaciónEstudios sobre el mensaje periodístico or Trípodos.

María del Mar Grandío Pérez, University of Murcia

Professor of “Organization of the Audiovisual and Multimedia Production” and “Audiovisual and Multimedia Fiction Series” in the Faculty of Documentation and Communication.

She also teaches about “Transmedia Projects and Narratives” in the master’s degree on Mobile Communication and Digital Contents. Her research is focused on consumption through the new audiovisual supports, transmedia audience and the fan phenomenon.

She was member of the Management Committee of the COST ACTION, “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies” (2010-2014) and in the COST ACTION “New Possibilities for print and digital media” (2012-2016).
In the international field, she is member of the Spanish team of the research project “The World Hobbit Project” (2014-2016) funded by The British Academy and the “Game of Thrones Research Project”. In Spain, she currently participates in the R+D+i project EDUMEDIA “Mediatic competencies of citizens in emergent digital media.” (2016-2018)

Outstanding publications: Adictos a las series. 50 años de lecciones de los fans (UOC, 2016), Audiencia, Fenómeno Fan y Ficción televisiva (Libros en Red, 2009), Redes Sociales para Estudiantes de Comunicación (with José Manuel Noguera and Josep Martínez, UOC, 2011), Estrategias de Comunicación en Redes Sociales (Ed. with Miguel Ángel Nicolás, Gedisa, 2013), Economía de la Participación (with several authors, EOI, 2014).

Her work has been published in international journals such as The International Journal of Audience Research or Media Studies and in editorials such as Routledge, Springer or Peter Lang. H index=14 in Google Scholar. Six-year period of research recognized by CNEAI (2007-2012).


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How to Cite

Diego , P., & Grandío Pérez, M. del M. (2018). Settlement of the Spanish fiction series abroad (2005-2017). The case of the North American adaptation of Los misterios de Laura from the perspective of its creators. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (73), 828–844.




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