Settlement of the Spanish fiction series abroad (2005-2017). The case of the North American adaptation of Los misterios de Laura from the perspective of its creators
TV series, TV adaptation, TV formats, exportation, Spanish television, TV productionAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to reflect about the success of Spanish TV adaptation abroad. This paper collects the Spanish television series that have been adapted in other markets in the time of consolidation of this phenomenon (2005-2017), and there is an analysis of the production values of the RTVE Spanish series Los Misterios de Laura (La 1, 2009-2014), adapted in USA by NBC under the title The Mysteries of Laura (NBC, 2014- 2016). Methodology. For the empirical part of this research, we have analyzed the production of Spanish TV adaptations, and an in depth interview to the Spanish writers of Los Misterios de Laura’ creators was conducted, as well as the analysis of chapters and the bible of the program. Conclusions and discussion. This paper highlights the development phase of the idea, where the concept, style and the design of characters are key issues in the adaptation process of a Spanish television series abroad.
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