Professional self-regulation facing new journalistic challenges: a comparative European study




Self-regulation, ombudsmen, codes, professional statutes, journalism ethics


This article’s objective is to compare the self-regulation systems of the journalistic profession in Austria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, France and Poland. From the analysis of several cases and the situation in these seven countries, several items are compared: the existence of ethical codes, of readers’ and viewers’ ombudspersons, of press and audiovisual councils, as well as the level of associations and trade unions in the journalistic profession. The results reveal the absences in the European systems as well as steps towards the implementation of self-regulation tools to regulate the journalistic profession, mainly in the field of print and broadcast media. In most of the analyzed European countries, online journalism lacks of self-regulation, except those initiatives which have been implanted in their matrix print or broadcast media.


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Author Biographies

José Luis González Esteban, Miguel Hernández University of Elche

José-Luis González is Professor of Journalism at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, where he is also the director of the GICOV, the Communication Research Group of the Valencian Community, whose main research line is the cyber-journalism of proximity.

As professor he has worked in the CEU-Cardenal Herrera (Spain), and the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), and has been visiting professor at North Carolina State University and in various Polish universities.

He holds a Doctoral degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid, and a Master’s degree in Community Law from the UCLM.

José Alberto García Avilés, Miguel Hernández University Elche

José-Alberto García-Avilés is full professor of Communication theory at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Ireland, and a Doctoral degree in Communication from the University of Navarre.

As professor he has worked at the University of Navarre and Columbia University. Since 2002, he studies journalism convergence in Europe and participates in research on media convergence in Spain.

Matthias Karmasin, University of Klagenfurt

Matthias Karmasin is professor of Communication Sciences at the University of Klagenfurt (Austria) and a member of the Commission for comparative media research (Kommission für vergleichende Medien - und Kommunikationsforschung) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

He has worked as professor at various universities in Austria, Germany and the USA.

He has published over fifty books and research articles. He is also a member of Medienhaus, a media research and training company based in Vienna.

Andy Kaltenbrunner, Director Medienhaus Wien

Andy Kaltenbrunner works as media consultant and researcher in Austria, Germany and Spain.

He has worked as journalist since 1981 and as professor at several universities since 1989.

He has also initiated new training possibilities for media professions, as it is the case of the programme in journalism at the Superior Technological School of Vienna.

Kaltenbrunner is the founder member of the Medienhaus research society, based in Vienna.


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How to Cite

González Esteban, J. L., García Avilés, J. A. ., Karmasin, M., & Kaltenbrunner, A. (2011). Professional self-regulation facing new journalistic challenges: a comparative European study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 426–453.


