A modified representation of truth through the use of editing in the documentary La pelota vasca





documentary, terrorism, editing, Basque Country, Medem, ETA


The objective of this article is to look at how the director conveyed his theme in The Basque Ball: Skin Against Stone (Julio Medem, 2003), a documentary about terrorism which has generated both controversy and commercial success in the Spanish cinema. Through an analysis of his editing styles, we can discover the guidelines and narrative structures the director utilizes to shape the words spoken in the film which influence the opinions of his viewers. The director creates a solid foundation of facts that permit us to make a meticulous analysis of the speech used in the film. This methodology for creating documentaries can also be used in other documentaries with similar characteristics. The conclusions we have reached show that the director's structure relies on past documentaries as well as interviews of different personalities from within the Basque Country. He does this, in a sense, to give a name to the Basque conflict, something favored by those who have nationalistic tendencies.  However, he does criticize the actions of the Partido Popular in the government over the years as a factor in the deterioration of the image of the State. This is mainly due to the fact that a high number of interviewees made negative references about the State’s security forces. We also have learned that the credibility of the people interviewed depends upon where they are situated within the film’s structure, as well as if other interviewees refute or endorse what they say.


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Author Biographies

José Cabeza San Deogracias, Rey Juan Carlos University

José Cabeza is Full Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, of the Rey Juan Carlos University. He teaches the subjects Film, Television and Video Criticism, Audio-visual Process, and Audiovisual Script-writing.

He is the author of several books on narrative and cinema in the Spanish Civil war: El descanso del guerrero. El cine en Madrid durante la Guerra Civil Española 1936-39 (The warrior’s rest. Cinema in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War 1936-39) published by Rialp (Madrid, 2005), and La narrativa invencible. Cine de Hollywood en Madrid durante la Guerra Civil Española (The invincible narrative. Hollywood cinema in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War) published by Cátedra (Madrid, 2009).

He has also collaborated in several studies on documentaries in the Encyclopedia of Documentary Films (London, Routledge, 2005) and in the dictionary Directory of World Cinema (Intellect, 2011).

María Antonia Paz Rebollo, Complutense University of Madrid

María Antonia Paz-Rebollo is Chair Professor in the Department of history of Social Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid. She teaches history of social communication and Informational Film History (Spanish and International).

She is the author, with her colleague Julio Montero, of several studies on these subjects: La larga sombra de Hitler. El cine nazi en España (1933-1945) (The long shadow of Hitler. Nazi cinema in Spain (1933–1945)); Creando la Realidad. El Cine Informativo, 1895-1945 (Creating reality. Informative Film, 1895-1945); and La imagen pública de la Monarquía. Alfonso XIII en la Prensa y en los noticiarios cinematográficos de su época (The public image of the Monarchy. Alfonso XIII in the press and the news films of his time).

She is also the editor, with the same co-author, of Historia y cine: realidad, ficción y propaganda (History and cinema: reality, fiction and propaganda) and La historia que el cine nos cuenta (The history told by cinema). She is also the author of academic articles in specialised journals (like Zer, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Communication and Society, etc.).


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How to Cite

Cabeza San Deogracias, J. ., & Paz Rebollo, M. A. (2011). A modified representation of truth through the use of editing in the documentary La pelota vasca. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 01–30. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-66-2011-922-001-030


