Sports and the visual structure of El Debate (1910-1936). The change to the horizontal layout


  • Francisco Núñez-Romero Olmo Cardinal Herrera CEU University
  • Pedro Pérez-Cuadrado Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Laura González Díez CEU San Pablo University



El Debate, Journalistic design, Sport, Layout, Structure, Morphology


Since the end of the 19th Century some new topics have been appearing in Spanish newspapers of general information stimulated by new ways of doing journalism. One of the topics that had better acceptance by the general public and that caused new ways of layout in newspapers was sport. And one of the first newspapers of general information which dedicated not only great space but also typographical and formal attention to sport was El Debate (Madrid, 1910-1936). A structural and instrumental analysis of each piece of sport news published during the 26 years of history of the newspaper has shown that El Debate grouped the pieces of sport news at the same page and in 1922 it began to publish a complete page of sport information weekly. Moreover, since 1919, El Debate used headlines which were two columns wide rather than one column wide. Thus, the sport pages of El Debate pioneered the gradual abandon of the vertical layout in order to break the alleys with headlines and pictures. This fact was a constant feature since 1920 until the end of the newspaper.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Núñez-Romero Olmo, Cardinal Herrera CEU University

• Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at the Cardenal Herrera-CEU University. Department of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Information Technology since October 2009.

• Former Teaching Education and Research fellow (FPDI 2005-2009), at the Cardenal Herrera-CEU University. Department of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Information Technology.

• Professor of the Master programme in Cultural Heritage Management. Media Module: Press. Cardenal Herrera-CEU University. Courses 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.

• PhD in Journalism from the Cardenal Herrera’s CEU University. Thesis Defence: 8th July, 2009.

• Chief Editor of El Rotativo newspaper, in its Valencia, Segorbe-Castellón and Orihuela-Alicante editions. Cardenal Herrera-CEU University. Since October 2005.

• His research currently focuses on the study of the morphology of information in the press, especially information related to drug addiction. He participates as an investigator in three ID projects, two funded by the Foundation for the Study, Prevention and Care of Drug Addiction (FEPAD. Conselleria de Sanitat de la Generalitat Valenciana. March 2009-March 2010 and May 2010-May 2011) and another funded by the Cardenal Herrera-CEU University (September 2009-August 2010). Keywords: design, drugs, morphology, newspapers, layout, content analysis.

• He has participated in several conferences always related to the analysis of the morphology of information and the implementation of the new information technologies in information and design processes.

• Romero Núñez-Olmo, F. (2008): “La información deportiva en El Debate (1910-1936). Una puesta en página diferente” (The sports information in El Debate (1910-1936). A different page setting), in J. J. Fernández Sanz, C. Sanz Establés and Á. L. Rubio Moraga (Eds.), Prensa y Periodismo Especializado 4 (Vol. 1, pp. 251-264). Guadalajara: Guadalajara Press Association. ISBN: 978-84-613-0457-8.

• Núñez-Romero Olmo, F. (2009): “La información deportiva como causa de la evolución estructural de las páginas del diario El Debate (1910-1936)” (Sports information as a cause of the structural evolution of the pages of El Debate newspaper (1910-1936)), in E. Felíu (Ed.), Comunicación. Memoria, historia y modelos (pp. 310-318). Complutense University of Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-88365-24-8.

Pedro Pérez-Cuadrado, Rey Juan Carlos University

  • Full Professor at the Faculty of Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Department of Communication Sciences from October 2009.
  • Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Department of Communication Sciences from 2007-2008.
  • Formerly (1995-2007), Associate Professor, at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at the San Pablo-CEU University. Department of Audiovisual Communication and New Technologies. Informative Graphics Section. Director of this department duringt the 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 courses.
  • Also Associate Professor of Journalism at the School of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid between 1995 and 2003.
  • PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University. Thesis Defence: 16 April, 1996.
  • Awarded the José Antonio Artigas Foundation Prize to Doctoral Thesis for the work “Diseño, tecnología y producción del diario El Sol (1990-1992)” (Design, technology and production of El Sol newspaper” (1990-1992).
  • Responsible for the design departments of these newspapers: La Verdad (Murcia ,1980-1982 and 1984-1986), Canarias 7(Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1982 and 1983), Información(Alicante, 1984); and La Gaceta de los Negocios’ (Madrid, 1989).
  • Director of the production departments of El Sol(1990-1992) and La Información de Madrid(1994-1995).
  • Author of the original designs of Canarias 7 (in 1982 and 1989); Tribuna de Salamanca(1994 SND Award); the Galician Deporte Campeón(1995) and La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca (2001).
  • His research currently focuses on the development and application of colour to the press, as well as on the typographical evolution and application in the pages of the Spanish newspapers. Keywords: design, typography, colour, newspapers, layout.
  • He has taught numerous courses, masters and seminars in various public and private institutions, always around the implementation of the new information technologies in the information processes.
  • Consultant in design and new press production technologies for various national companies.
    • Member of the Spanish Association of Professional Designers (AEPD according to its initials in Spanish) and the Society of News Design (SND).
  • Author of several articles in the specialised press on new information, design, typography and colour technologies.
  • Author of evaluative studies of the production and design of national, regional and local newspapers: La Verdad(Murcia, 1994) and Hoy, of Extremadura (Badajoz, 1996).
  • Organizer and coordinator of the Seminar of Photojournalism, Press Editing and Design at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at the San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid (1996-2007).

Books published
• “Crónica de un rediseño. Canarias 7 - 1998/1999” (Chronicle of a redesign. Canarias 7 - 1998/1999) Publisher: Zona Impresa, S. L. Madrid 1999. 140 pages. ISBN 84-699-1105-8

  • “Diario de Burgos. Cambio de imagen para el 2000” (Diario de Burgos. Makeover for 2000) Publisher: Zona Impresa, S. L. Madrid 2000. 80 pages. ISBN 84-699-3459-7.
  • “Principios básicos de diseño periodístico” (Basic principles of journalistic design). Publisher: Editorial Universitas, S. A. Madrid 2001. 224 pages. ISBN 84-7991-115-8.
  • “La Gaceta, contenido e imagen de un diario en el siglo XXI”  (La Gaceta, content and image of a diary in the XXI century) Publisher: Comunicación Uno. Madrid 2002. 136 pages. ISBN 84-699-7037-2
  • “El reto tecnológico de un diario de diseño. El Sol, 1990-1992” (The technological challenge of designing a newspaper. El Sol, 1990-1992). Publisher: Zona Impresa, S. L. Madrid 2004. 410 pages. ISBN 84-609-0317-6
  • “Tipos a diario: Prensa y texto fuera de contexto”  (Press and text out of context). Publisher: A. D. C. V. Madrid 2004. 96 pages. ISBN 84-609-1550-6
  • “Cabeceras, cabezotes, rótulos, logotipos y manchetas” (Headers, names, banners, logos and mastheads). Publisher: A. D. C. V. Madrid 2006. 86 pages. ISBN-10: 84-689-9341-7
  • “30 años de diseño periodístico en España: 1976-2006” (30 years of journalistic design in Spain: 1976-2006). 190 pages. Publisher: Zona Impresa. Madrid, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-690-4688-3

Laura González Díez, CEU San Pablo University

  • Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at San Pablo-CEU University. Department of Audiovisual Communication and New Technologies. Informative Graphic Section, from the 1995-96 academic year. Secretary of this Department since the 2007-08 academic year. She currently teaches the subjects of ‘Graphic Design’ in the BA in Journalism, and ‘Fundamentals of Art and Design’ in the degrees of Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication.
  • Previously, Professor of ‘Information Technology’ and ‘Computer Information Processing’, at the School of Communication at the Antonio de Nebrija University; and professor of ‘Information Technology’ in the area of Journalism at the San Pablo-CEU University College, from 1992 to 1995.
  • PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University. Thesis Defence: 13th May, 1997.
  • Her research currently focuses on the formal, graphic and typographic aspect of fashion magazines, as well as on the typographic evolution and application in the pages of the Spanish newspapers. Keywords: design, typography, colour, newspapers, layout, magazines, fashion.
  • From 2005 to this day, she has taught, together with Professor Pedro Pérez Cuadrado, the doctoral seminar “Analysis of typography and colour in the Spanish press” at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at the San Pablo-CEU University.
  • She has taught numerous courses, masters and seminars in various public and private institutions, always around Graphic Design and Journalism.
  • Design Consultant for various companies and institutions.
  • Member of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC).
  • Member of the Designers Association of the Community of Madrid (DIMAD).
  • Member of the CEU Experts Network.
  • Author of several articles in specialized magazines about design, typography and colour.
  • Organizer and coordinator of the Seminars in Photojournalism, Press Editing and Design at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences at the San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid (1996-present).
  • Organization and Coordination of the First Journalistic Design Workshop at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences. San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid. February-April 2005
  • Organization and Coordination of the first and second Jpunalistic Design Seminar at the Faculty of Humanities and Communication Sciences. San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid. 2004 and 2007.

Published books:

  • “Tecnología de la información impresa. Nuevos desarrollos y perspectivas, Información gráfica y autoedición”. (Printed information technology. New developments and perspectives, graphic information and auto editing). Publisher: Ed. Fragua, S.A. Madrid, 1993. 394 pages. ISBN 84-7074-072-5
  • “Principios básicos de diseño periodístico” (Basic principles of journalistic design). Publisher: Editorial Universitas, S. A.
 Madrid 2001. 224 pages. ISBN 84-7991-115-8.
  • “Tipos a diario: Prensa y texto fuera de contexto” (Press and text out of context). Publisher: A. D. C. V. Madrid 2004. 96 pages. ISBN 84-609-1550-6
    • “Cabeceras, cabezotes, rótulos, logotipos y manchetas” (Headers, names, banners, logos and mastheads). Publisher: A. D. C. V. Madrid 2006. 86 pages. ISBN-10: 84-689-9341-7
    • “30 años de diseño periodístico en España: 1976-2006” (30 years of journalistic design in Spain: 1976-2006). 190 pages. Publisher: Zona Impresa. Madrid, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-690-4688-3

Book chapters:

Authors: González Díez, L. and P. Pérez Cuadrado


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How to Cite

Núñez-Romero Olmo, F., Pérez-Cuadrado, P., & González Díez, L. (2010). Sports and the visual structure of El Debate (1910-1936). The change to the horizontal layout. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65), 291–309.




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