Journalists' working conditions in Chiapas


  • Sarelly Martínez Mendoza Autonomous University of Chiapas
  • Juliana Matus López Autonomous University of Chiapas
  • Hugo A. Villar Pinto Autonomous University of Guadalajara



Informative Field, Journalism, Journalist’s Salary, Journalist


Even if they are at the center of the opinion and the information, journalists are not well-known. In fact,  we know little about them: their salary, the relationships they establish with their sources, the values they profess, their  level of education, their social security benefits and their work routines. In the absence of studies about journalists in the context of Chiapas, Mexico, this work aims to investigate the conditions under which  journalists perform, the average salary they receive, their benefits and the social organizations they belong to. In Chiapas, there are approximately 300 journalists; the remaining employees are sometimes involved in the tasks of information and opinion.  We have focused on these 300 journalists in order to do this project. They have become the object of our study. We surveyed 158 journalists who live in different parts of the state and, afterwards, we interviewed 88 of them. The article shows the workings conditions in which the Chiapas journalists  perform their job:  low wages and little support from their companies  to carry out their task of providing information.


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Author Biographies

Sarelly Martínez Mendoza, Autonomous University of Chiapas

Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. His doctoral thesis was on The development of journalism and the journalistic business in Chiapas (1827-1958).

He is the author of La prensa maniatada (Journalism in Chiapas from 1827 to 1958); Chiapas Hemerographic Index 1827-1946 and Contemporary Journalism in Chiapas.

Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), level 1. He has been a full-time professor by opposition since 1991 at the Autonomous University of Chiapas.

He completed a degree in journalism at the Carlos Septién García School of Journalism and completed a master's degree in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM.

He was a founding member of the weekly Este Sur, he has written for the newspapers La Voz del Sureste and La Jornada.

He currently writes a column related to communication entitled The end is the medium, in the newspaper Cuarto Poder.

Juliana Matus López, Autonomous University of Chiapas

Graduated in Communication and Public Relations from the Latin American University, teacher in Education, with a specialty in Communication, at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

She has a doctorate in Information Sciences from the University of La Laguna, where she obtained cum laude recognition.

She received a scholarship from the PROMEP Teacher Improvement Program, for the preparation of her thesis, called Diagnosis of educational television in marginalized areas of Chiapas.

In 1996 she entered the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) as coordinator of social communication; two years later she is hired as a full-time professor in the Bachelor of Communication Sciences.

She is a member of the Academic Body of Communication Studies of the Southern Border, at the Faculty of Humanities of UNACH. The line of research that she has worked on is public communication, in investigations related to electoral processes and studies of radio and television reception.

Hugo A. Villar Pinto, Autonomous University of Guadalajara

I study a degree in communication sciences at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, and a master's degree in education, with a specialty in communication, at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

She has worked in radio, press and television. His first experiences were in W Guadalajara, and in the ACIR chain of Guanajuato and Jalisco. He worked as a producer of unitary news programs and corporate image in Televisa, and also as director of news and special events in Channel 10 of the Government of the State of Chiapas.

He has been a teacher at the Faculty of Humanities in the area of communication for 12 years where he has specialized in issues related to journalistic ethics.


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How to Cite

Martínez Mendoza, S. ., Matus López, J. ., & Villar Pinto, H. A. . (2009). Journalists’ working conditions in Chiapas. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 444–460.




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