Internal Communication at the university. Research to know our audience


  • José María Herranz de la Casa Miguel de Cervantes European University
  • Alejandro Tapia Frade Miguel de Cervantes European University
  • Arturo Vicente Lázaro Miguel de Cervantes European University



Internal communication, self-perception, areas of networking, communication tools, communication channels, TICs at universities


Effective management of internal communcation is a key part to the broader strategic plan of all universities. The current Bologna process and the changes in management clearly require this to be done effectively in order to ensure that we establish the new degrees successfully. Furthermore, this is a complex task, as University is a special environment where socially diverse groups coexist, each with their own demands and expectations. This paper examines internal communications within Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, from their staff and students perspectives and analyses the use of different tools and channels – both physical and technological, the first relating to their location and their perceived effectiveness by the people who use these areas. The sampling method in use is “quota sampling” and the research is based on a survey. The results illustrate that people perceive more when you ask their opinion rather than asking their perceived opinions of others on the same issue. Likewise, opinions regarding the method of communication vary between the different socio-demographic groups included in the study –higher in the case of PDI (Research and Teaching Staff) and PAS (Administration and Services Staff)–. Finally, the analysis of available means of communication also shows significant differences in terms of public opinon.


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Author Biographies

José María Herranz de la Casa , Miguel de Cervantes European University

José María Herranz de la Casa is a doctor in Journalism and currently a professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences and Information at the Miguel de Cervantes European University (Valladolid). He teaches in the Journalism degree.

He is director of the Communication Office of the university.

He has different published works and articles that revolve mainly around the lines of research that he develops: communication and transparency in social organizations - topics of his doctoral thesis -; business and corporate communication; social responsibility in companies and the social economy as a generator of local development.

Alejandro Tapia Frade, Miguel de Cervantes European University

Alejandro Tapia Frade has a doctorate from the Department of Marketing and Market Research at the Complutense University of Madrid and an adjunct professor of the Advertising and Public Relations degree at the Miguel de Cervantes European University of Valladolid. He previously developed professional web architecture construction work. Address: C / Padre Julio Chevalier, s / n. 47012 Valladolid, Spain Telephone: 983 001 000. Ext. 319

Arturo Vicente Lázaro, Miguel de Cervantes European University

Arturo Vicente Lázaro has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Miguel de Cervantes European University. His final project is related to internal communication at the university.


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How to Cite

Herranz de la Casa , José María, Alejandro Tapia Frade, and Arturo Vicente Lázaro. 2009. “Internal Communication at the university. Research to know our audience”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 64 (January):262-74.




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