Body Pedagogies. The Spec(tac)ular Construction of the Feminine Body in the Spanish Reality Show


  • Alejandra Walzer Carlos III University of Madrid



body, representation, show, market, identity, techno-science


 In this paper, we analyze a reality show that appeared in the Spanish television in 2006. These T .V shows, despite their differences, share an interest on the aesthetic body with a great emphasis on the female body. This work aims at determining through analysis whether or not there are different patterns when presenting or representing the body on Spanish television screens as well as helping to identify the main characteristics shared by those shows. The ultimate interest of this analysis is to conclude if the TV programs are echo- creating models that work as pedagogies of the body within a society which obviously has become particularly sensitive to aesthetics, both as an expression of subjectivity and sociability.


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Author Biography

Alejandra Walzer, Carlos III University of Madrid

Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Educational Television from the Complutense University of Madrid.

She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires. She is a Professor of the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation of the Carlos III University of Madrid and Vice Dean of Teaching Organization of the same Faculty.

She is the author of “La Belleza. From metaphysics to the spot ”(2008). She is the editor of "Alternative communication, citizenship and culture" (2006) and co-author of "Children and young people in front of screens" (2004).


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How to Cite

Walzer, A. (2009). Body Pedagogies. The Spec(tac)ular Construction of the Feminine Body in the Spanish Reality Show. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 203–209.


