Centennials on TikTok: type of video. Analysis and comparative Spain- Great Britain by gender, age, and nationality
TikTok; social networks; centennials; teenagers; gender; age; consumeAbstract
Introduction: TikTok is a digital native social network has managed to generate interest among teenagers through which they share their audiovisual productions from mobile devices, but what type of content do teenagers create and disseminate on this application? We address this issue with the aim of finding out the type of videos that Spanish and British teenage tiktokers are uploading to this social network. Methodology: Using content analysis methodology, 447 videos from 12 British and 12 Spanish tiktokers aged between 11 and 17 with more than half a million followers are studied. It provides an analysis by nationality and a comparative view of both nationalities. Results: Contents created and disseminated by both genders and nationalities are videoselfies, choreographies and videos with a fun purpose. Results show 16 and 17-year-old are the most active on this social network. Spanish and British teenagers create and disseminate videos with similar content. They show is age, not gender, determining variable for their digital production. It is observed boys abandon videogames to give way to a more protagonist self-representation in this social network. Discussion and conclusions: There is a lack of plurality in the type of content created and disseminated on TikTok by both genders and nationalities. It is interesting to note the attenuation of the traditional gender roles adolescents show in their audio-visual productions on TikTok, which reflect the possible gender-related development into their behavior on social networks.
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