State Advertising in Television and promotion of Culture of Peace




Institutional Advertising, State, Civil Service, Culture of Peace, Social Education, Institutional Communication, State Information, Spanish Institutions, Mass Media, Propaganda, Political Advertising and Communication


Advertising is considered as a major mass communication tool, because of its great capacity to influence the social imaginary, although this form of communication sometimes is overestimated. Moreover, welfare state has got the obligation to arrange properly the Civil Society, and also ought to favour the citizens education and all those fields associated to the “common good” maxim. In this paper we research how is this advertising like, and which would be State communication goals. Culture of peace is a project defended and promoted by UNESCO, vertebrated in a whole theoretical and conceptual universe, that not only means the absense of war, but focuses all kind of human and social relationships. In order to this purpose, we have analyzed carefully 61 Government’s campaigns, over a big sample of more than 190.


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Author Biography

Alfonso Cortés González , University of Málaga

Alfonso Cortés González has a doctorate from the University of Malaga (Communication Sciences), a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and a University Expert in Public Communication and Defense.

He is a researcher at the "Communication and Power" group at the University of Malaga and a Ph.D. professor of advertising theory and public relations at CEADE Sevilla.

He has published various texts on the subject and on other areas of mass communication, including two books. He has been an opinion writer and advisor on political communication.

Published article:

Publicidad televisiva del Estado y el fomento de la cultura de paz


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How to Cite

Cortés González , A. (2008). State Advertising in Television and promotion of Culture of Peace. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 99–105.


