The meaning of the logo from its semiotic construction and its reliance on new formats of digital communication: The case of Apple
Semiotics, Logo, Brand, Corporate visual identity, Sign, Digital environments, AppleAbstract
Introduction: The importance of logos has underpinned the existence of a corporate semiotics as a general code to which weakly codified local semiotics respond, due to the high symbolic load of these visual signs. Methodology: This research aims to delve deeper into the semiotic construction of logos and to analyse their process of signification supported by new forms of communication. To this end, an interpretative analysis is proposed based on a categorical model linked to recognised previous theories, which is applied to the case of Apple as an example of a benchmark brand at an international level. Results: The results suggest that online brand communities (whether they are owned or earned media) provide these signs with meaning and make logos to become cultural icons; to a large extent, thanks to the collaboration of the consumers themselves. Conclusions and Discussion: Corporate logos present a simple structure if we only look at the expression, but relationally they show a high degree of complexity. It is precisely these relationships that give signs a significance that is constantly evolving, and which currently finds the best support in in online communities of brand followers. Furthermore, these conclusions allow us to identify new avenues for research into corporate semiotics and the processes of semiosis involved, either by implementing methodological techniques that enable us to complete this exploratory research, or by addressing new challenges in the management of brand communication.
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