The report reinvents the network: structure of the hypertext report




structure, report, network, hypertext


Technological development allowed the Internet to become a journalistic medium a little over a decade ago, revolutionizing fundamental aspects of a profession that today is situated in a hypertext, multimedia and interactive environment. Over time, journalistic products capable of integrating different types of information (textual, sound, visual, etc.) and offering greater possibilities of interaction and personalization to the user have ceased to be an exception. The temporal perspective that a decade of experience on the Internet offers us, allows us to see how the initial dump of the printed newspaper to the Internet has given way to versions designed exclusively for dissemination in cyberspace that coexist with other newspapers without a written reference. As Antonio López (López Hidalgo, 2002: 212) reminds us, as it already happened in his day with media such as radio and television, digital newspapers have copied many of the stylistic and narrative techniques of conventional.

This interest of the professional sector to apply effective journalistic routines finds its correlation in the didactic bibliography on cyberjournalism, which has been overcoming the initial enthusiasm for the more technical aspects to focus on specific analyzes of hypermedia discourse and its particular rhetoric. In fact, there is a real desire to find our own formulas for presenting and structuring information that allow us to fully exploit the communicative powers that the Internet offers us, virtualities that are largely due to the particularities of digital discourse itself, defined in terms of hypertextuality, multimedia and interactivity. Of all of them, perhaps hypertext is the characteristic that, to date, has had the greatest influence on the construction of the informative discourse in cybernetic networks. Anyway, here too there is evidence of a gradual advance in the use of hypertext techniques by information professionals when preparing their messages.


newspapers, although over time there is an interest in developing their own language.


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Author Biography

Ainara Larrondo Ureta, University of the País Vasco

Ainara Larrondo Ureta is a Lecturer in the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She holds a PhD in Journalism and a Master's degree in Contemporary History from the UPV/EHU.

As a lecturer at the UPV/EHU, she has taught trilingual (Spanish, Basque and English) undergraduate subjects related to journalistic genres and writing (news genres, opinion genres, reporting, writing and creation of web content), ethics (journalistic ethics and profession) and technology (print media technology). At postgraduate level, he teaches subjects related to cyberjournalism.

He has published more than a hundred works in the form of chapters, books and articles in quality academic journals, more than twenty of which are included in indexes and impact positions (Social Science Citation Index, Scopus). He has presented more than sixty papers and communications at national and international conferences.


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How to Cite

Larrondo Ureta, A. (2004). The report reinvents the network: structure of the hypertext report. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (59), 13–21.


