The prominence of the image in the press.




Protagonism, Image culture, Image functions, Visual resources, Infographics


In recent decades, an eminently visual culture has been developing on a global scale, driven by the expansion and consolidation of television and more recently the Internet. This situation imposed real challenges on the written press, which was conditioned by the presence of a society flooded by images and with a public with renewed reading habits - characterized by fast and fragmented reading.

The most radical transformations can be seen in the 1980s, where technologies had a strong impact on the graphic press, which allowed the incorporation of computerization and, therefore, the use of new visual resources. Faced with the imminent supremacy of the image, the graphic media used tools already established in the press, photographs, and generated new ones: infographics.

From this context, we were interested in deepening and analyzing the importance of the image in the written press in a given culture. For this we carry out an investigation for a degree thesis called: "Making a supplement for women designed for La Voz del Interior that uses photography and infographics as its main tools." That is to say, this supplement would be framed in the main newspaper of the city of Córdoba, Argentina and an in-depth job of using images would be done. In order to make a product according to the production context, we inquired about the role that the image should have within the supplement for women.

To do this, we surveyed 225 women in this city trying to determine, above all, what is the importance they give to the journalistic image and inquire about their knowledge of one of the journalistic resources of our interest: infographics. This last question was due to the fact that this is a resource that currently has a notable presence in the pages of newspapers, adapting to the demands of today's society.


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Author Biography

Mariana Minervini, National University of Córdoba, UNC

Social/scientific communicator. Environmental communication, heritage and museums. Interactive digital communication. Teacher-Researcher. Workplaces: National University of Córdoba and National Parks Administration.


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How to Cite

Minervini, Mariana, and Ana Pedrazzini. 2004. “The prominence of the image in the press”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 59 (January):180-83.


