Speeches on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom
Education; mobile phone; schools; classroom; speech; Facebook; Twitter.Abstract
Introduction: Messages about the pedagogical use of smartphones in the classroom generate debate in social networks and bring about opinion among citizens. This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of the messages, that are disseminated on Facebook and Twitter about the educational use of smartphones in the classroom according to whether the arguments they defend are based on promotion, prohibition, or indeterminacy; and to identify the profiles of their main issuers, as well as the type of argumentative content of the messages that have the greatest impact. Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out. 142 messages in Spanish or English are analyzed, without excluding their geographical origin, from a mixed approach using the engagement criterion to classify their relevance. Results: The results show that the predominant argumentation is the promotion of the educational use of smartphones in the classroom, being education professionals the predominant publishers. Arguments for prohibition are mainly issued by the media and institutional profiles, and these messages have the greatest impact. Discussion: knowing how the informal leadership generated in social networks can lead to a change in the social and/or political agenda, the relationship found between the type of user and the type of message they emit, confirm the relevance of the present study. Conclusions: Ultimately, we find that the criticisms and misgivings about the use of smartphones in the classroom are due to the widespread confusion between the use of smartphones and the use of social networks.
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