Comparative analysis of the sports chronicle quality written by artificial intelligence and journalists

Application of artificial intelligence in communication




artificial intelligence, sports journalism, journalistic production, chronicle, quality, journalism, content automation


Introduction: In recent years, the presence of artificial intelligence programs in newsrooms has become standardised, which has allowed the writing of texts through algorithms. This research analyses the characteristics of sports chornicles written by artificial intelligence, comparing them with those written by journalists. The aim is to find out whether these types of texts have the same quality standards as those of chronicles written by journalists. Methodology: The methodology used is based on the content analysis of 28 journalistic chronicles, 14 written by journalists and 14 written by artificial intelligence programmes. In all cases, these are sports chronicles on matches corresponding to the Spanish Professional Football League (first and second division).  Results: The results show that AI-generated texts are effective in collecting and ordering data and in reporting game action. However, they lack many of the qualities of a sports chronicle, which are present in texts written by journalists. Conclusions: The chronicles produced by artificial intelligence do not represent a quality contribution to the journalistic genre, lacking analytical or interpretative character, in both cases, qualities traditionally present in sports journalism.



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Author Biographies

Francisco José Murcia Verdú, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Doctoral student and graduate in Journalism from the Universidad del País Vasco and assistant professor at the Faculty of Communication of the UCLM, where he teaches in the area of Writing. He has a Master’s Degree in Innovation in Journalism from the Universidad Miguel Hernández. He has made national and international stays in centers of recognized prestige and is the author of scientific articles published in impact journals. He is a member of the Power, Law, and Message Research Group (COMPUBLIC). He researches the influence of technologies on journalistic genres and the relationship between journalism and literature, and the situation of journalistic misinformation and fact-checking. In the professional field, he has worked as an editor in print and online media for more than fourteen years.

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Scopus ID: 57203480899ú


Rubén Ramos Antón, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Rubén Ramos Antón is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Ph.D. in Information and Documentation from the Universidad de Zaragoza (2016), Master’s Degree in Investigative Journalism, Data, and Visualization (UNIR, 2018) and the Information and Knowledge Society (UOC, 2011). Among his lines of research is the analysis of the impact of information technologies on society, as well as the effects of the technological revolution on information. As a communication professional, he has developed his career for more than twenty years in different (public and private) media and institutions of the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

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Luis Mauricio Calvo Rubio, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Ph.D. from the UCLM. He graduated in Journalism and has a Master's Degree in Communication, Culture, Society, and Politics. He has a Specialization in Social Networks and Online Media and an Executive Master's Degree in Business Management and Administration. He has developed his professional career as a journalist and media manager for more than two decades. He is a professor at the Faculty of Communication at UCLM and researches journalism, communication, and citizen participation in the public sphere. Member of the Research Group on the Sociology of Communication (GISOCOM) and member of the national projects Noticias, redes y usuarios en el sistema híbrido de medios and La diplomacia pública en las mega-ciudades iberoamericanas: estrategias de comunicación y poder blando para influir en la legislación ambiental global. 

Índice H: 7

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Scopus ID: 57195422877



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How to Cite

Murcia Verdú, F. J., Ramos Antón, R. ., & Calvo Rubio, L. M. (2022). Comparative analysis of the sports chronicle quality written by artificial intelligence and journalists: Application of artificial intelligence in communication. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (80), 91–111.



Application of artificial intelligence in communication