Transmedia in Higher Education. A qualitative research.




Transmedia, transmedia literacy, transmedia competence, higher education, Latin America, Spain, Portugal


Introduction: The relation between education and transmedia storytelling has been developed through diverse paths and based in different criteria, such as genre, source, temporality and the one corresponded to the given education level been observed. The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of ongoing processes that transmedia storytelling is going through, and its space in higher education placed on both sides of the Atlantic. Methodology: With this goal, an structured interview was designed and validated, addressing to 21 academic directors and experts in the field of communication and interactive media in higher education in Latin America, Spain and Portugal. Results: The findings show a current map of transmedia storytelling in universities through the observation of its human and material resources, as well as evidencing disagreements on terminological and conceptual points of view and, consequently, their instrumentalization in praxis. Discussion and Conclusions: These findings also show a progressive advance in the presence of transmedia storytelling higher education curriculums, and an academic void, pointed out by faculty members, regarding concrete training initiatives from their university centers, aimed to them as current teachers and researchers.


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Author Biographies

Giancarlo Gomero, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Anthropologist and communication researcher, professor at the Faculty of Communications of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences where he has been responsible for research in the Audiovisual Communication and Interactive Media career, he is currently a doctoral student in the Information and Communication program at the University of Zaragoza thanks to a Santander Universities Scholarship. She is a member of the Transmedia Research Group at ESIC University and of the Culture, Person and Power Workshop at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She has done a research stay in Berlin at the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut thanks to a grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Her research revolves around identity discourses and their relationship with mass media and new technologies.

Daniel Barredo-Ibanez, Universidad del Rosario / Fudan University

Associate Professor in the Journalism and Public Opinion program at Universidad del Rosario (Colombia). He currently serves as Coordinator of the Working Group on Digital Communication, Networks and Processes of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers. He is also a visiting researcher at the Fudan Development Institute of Fudan University (China). He holds a PhD in Journalism from the University of Malaga, a master's degree and expert in Communication and a degree in Hispanic Philology and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Granada, and has an H index of 18. He is accredited as a senior researcher, the highest qualification granted by the regulatory body in Colombia.

Javier Hernandez Ruiz, Universidad Camilo Jose Cela

He is co-author of Plot 28 (2013), one of the pioneering transmedia universes in Spanish. Previously he had worked in the world of cinema as a screenwriter for audiovisuals (especially creative documentaries), director of the short film in 35 mm. Quercus (2005) and producer at Ulysses Films. He has taught at Universidad Europea de Madrid and Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza (Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences, 2017-2020), currently at ECAM and ESIC. His teaching has been extended abroad at University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Roehampton University of Surrey, Université de Nantes, Universidade de Faro, Universidade de Malmö, Universidad Viña del Mar (Chile). He has also been involved in several research projects, as a collaborator and PI. He is the author of numerous publications on cinema, digital culture and transmedia narratives.


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How to Cite

Gomero, G., Barredo-Ibanez, D., & Hernandez Ruiz, J. (2023). Transmedia in Higher Education. A qualitative research. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (81), 155–170.


