The communication of CSR. Analysis of the hotel sector




Corporate Social Responsibility, hotel sector, communication strategies, Facebook, corporate website


Introduction. This article analyses the communication on Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) made by hotel chains, especially through online channels, that have become the main
instruments for the communication of companies towards their groups of interest. Methodology. The
research includes a content analysis to study the messages published in two online channels (corporate
websites and Facebook profiles); and two in-depth interviews to some CSR responsibles of hotel
chains, to understand the performance and challenges that companies identify in the communication
of CSR in this sector. Results and conclusions. The companies studied communicate their CSR
actions, but this communication does not make the most of the potential of the new media and is
essentially unidirectional. The hotel chains must promote the dialogue with their public and offer
information in a more appealing and close manner.


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Author Biographies

Idoia Castillo, Complutense University of Madrid

She is graduate in Advertising and Public Relations (2015) and with a Master's degree in Organizational Communication by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2016). Her main research lines are focused on the management and communication of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. She currently works as consultant in CANVAS Estrategias Sostenibles, a strategic consultancy firm specialised on Corporate Social Responsibility.

Nuria Villagra, Complutense University of Madrid

Full Professor of Universidad Complutense de Madrid where she teaches the subjects "Brand Management" and "Corporate Social Responsibility". She is currently Vice-Dean of Academic Policies and Institutional Planning of the Faculty of Information Sciences.

She has been editor of different books and likewise, is author of many book chapters and articles related to the brand management, Corporate Social Responsibility and communication. She has also participated as usual lecturer in national and international congresses.

She has been visiting scholar of the Centre for Business Ethics in Bentley University (Waltham, Massachusetts) and Fellow of Real Colegio Complutense en Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). In addition, she has collaborated and taught in different universities (Universidad de Montevideo, Erasmus University College of Belgium, Shanghai International Studies University, Universidad de MálagaUniversidad de Sevilla, EOI, ESIC Business and Marketing School, Centro Universitario Villanueva and Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, among others).

She has been awarded two six-year research periods (periods 2005-2010 and 2011-2016). She is researcher of the Cátedra Iberdrola de Ética Económica y Empresarial (Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid), and codirector of Grupo Complutense de Gestión de Marca y Comunicación Integrada.

Since the year 2000 she has developed research and consultancy projects for different companies and institutions on themes related to commercial communication, corporate and institutional communication and management of intangibles (brand, CSR, reputation, identity and image).


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How to Cite

Castillo, Idoia, and Nuria Villagra. 2019. “The communication of CSR. Analysis of the hotel sector”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (October):1580-1609.


