YouTube and coronavirus: analysis of video consumption on the COVID-19 pandemic




Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pandemics, Media, YouTube, State of Alarm, Spain


Introduction: This research examines the typology of the consumption of the most reproduced videos on YouTube in relation to the early stages of the coronavirus crisis in Spain, categorizing the topics that obtained the most interest, the dates that recorded higher levels of consumption, and the typology of the uploaders that served as the main sources of information. Methodology: From a quantitative-qualitative perspective, is performed a content analysis of the 200 videos with the greatest impact between March 13 and April 13, 2020, based on the descriptors coronavirus and COVID-19. Results: The mass media channels, both Spanish and foreign, were the main sources of information about the status of the pandemic. The content focused on epidemiological data, followed by institutional communication, aroused the greatest interest. The consumption of videos increased after the decree of the State of Alarm, coinciding the peaks with the extensions of the decree, and with those times when the number of infections soars. Discussion and Conclusions: YouTube is operating on the COVID-19 pandemic as a depository platform for information from conventional media systems. It is significant the absence among of the main uploaders of WHO as an international health agency reference in decisions taken by most affected countries, which raises a reflection on the opportunity of strategic use of YouTube as a means of mass dissemination during public health risk situations such as the coronavirus crisis.


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Author Biographies

Marta Gil Ramírez, Málaga University

She has a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication and a Master’s Degree in Communication and Culture from the Málaga University. She is Member of the research group PAIDI (Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation) Comunicación y Poder [EN: Communication and Power] affiliated to this university. She is a professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Málaga University. Author of the book Irrupción de Podemos y Ciudadanos en el panorama político español. Framing televisivo de la comunicación política de campaña. Her lines of research are focused on political communication, gender and social change, topics in several publications in accredited scientific journals and editorials.

Ruth Gómez de Travesedo-Rojas, Málaga University

She has been a professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Málaga University since 2009. Extraordinary Inter-university Ph.D. Award in Communication. She is a researcher in the National R+D+I Project: CSO2016-79357-R Lobby y Comunicación en España. Análisis de estrategias de comunicación funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness. Her lines of research are related to gender communication, political communication, social communication, and advertising and public relations, with several publications in book chapters and highly recognized journals in the academic field.

Ana Almansa-Martínez, Málaga University

She is a Full professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Málaga University (Spain). She is author of books such as “Del gabinete de prensa al gabinete de comunicación”, “Nuevos medios en Comunicación Política”, “Assessorías de Comunicaçao” and of more than fifty articles in scientific journals. She is the leading researcher in the project Lobby y Comunicación en España (R+D+I National Program), La Comunicación de los bienes patrimoniales para el desarrollo económico y social de Andalucía (Andalusian Studies Center), and in the project Observatorio de los Gabinetes de Comunicación en Andalucía (Excellence Project). She has been Advisor of 25 already defended doctoral theses. Editor of the Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas. She is Coordinator of the Official Master’s Degree in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication.


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How to Cite

Gil Ramírez, Marta, Ruth Gómez de Travesedo Rojas, and Ana Almansa Martínez. 2020. “YouTube and coronavirus: analysis of video consumption on the COVID-19 pandemic”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 78 (October):121-53.


