Processing of political and institutional information in TVE




political information, institutional information, public service media, censorship, manipulation


The research analyses political and institutional information on the news broadcasted by the Spanish public service media TVE, in order to know the processing of events involving political parties, institutions and representatives. Method. A mixed methodology is used. The quantitative analysis is needed to determine the degree of formal diversity and the qualitative analysis serves to know the details of news’ approaches. Also, a focus group, composed by five editors, is included to figure it out the reporting process on the public broadcaster. Results and conclusions. Data show that 97 percent of the news have a proper formal processing, but these figures contrast with the results of the content analysis. 74 percent of topics related to institutional information have an approach that promotes, improves, and endorses the image of the government and related bodies.


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Author Biographies

Xosé Soengas-Pérez, University of Santiago de Compostela

Xosé Soengas Pérez is Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the Department of Communication Sciences from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. His research focuses on the analysis of news content in radio and television.

Among his publications are: Cyberactivism in the process of political and social change in Arab countries (2017); Pluralism and Control of Information in Spanish Generalist Televisions (2015); Governmental Control of Spanish Public Television and Pluralism in Newscasts (2015); From the analogue consumer to the digital one. New advertising and marketing strategies for a hyper-connect society

 (2015); The Professional Situation of Spanish Journalists: the Repercussions of the crisis on the media (2014); The Role of the Internet and Social Networks in the Arab Uprisings: An Alternative to Official Press Censorship (2013); Radio Challenges in Digital Convergence Sceneries (2013); The New News Scene in Spain after the implementation of the DTT (2013); 75 Year of Radio in Galicia (2010); Limits of information in agreed debates (2009); Main broadcasting models in Europe (2009); El enfoque informativo. Los puntos de vista de una noticia en televisión (2008); El control de la información en televisión (2007); La información en televisión: espectáculo y realidad manipulada (2007); Audiovisual Narrative (2006); El tratamiento informativo de los acontecimientos de relevancia extraordinaria (2005); El discurso radiofónico. Particularidades de la narración sonora (2005); News contents on television (2005); La descodificación en la narración sonora: las imágenes auditivas (2004); La importancia de la tecnología en el proceso informativo: ventajas y peligros (2004); El periodista especializado: formación y características (2003); El tratamiento informativo del lenguaje audiovisual (2003); Informativos radiofónicos (2003); La audiencia como factor determinante de las políticas de programación (2002) y Nuevos formatos audiovisuales (2001).

Carlos Elías-Pérez, University Carlos III

Carlos Elías Pérez is a Full Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is currently in the Utility Commission at the Department of Logics, History and Philosophy of Science from the UNED. He holds a Degree in Chemistry and Journalism and a PhD Extraordinary Award in Social Sciences from the Universidad de La Laguna.

He specialized in Science, Technology and Public Sphere at the London School of Economics -being one year a visiting fellow-, and at the Department of Science History from the University of Harvard –as a visiting scholar-. He worked as a journalist at the Efe Agency and he was in charge of the Department of Science in the newspaper El Mundo –some of his press reports were published as a book –La ciencia a través del periodismo, Nivola, 2003-. Apart from scientific productions, he published handbooks for journalism studies: Fundamentos de Periodismo de Periodismo Científico (Alianza Editorial, 2008, 2014) and Big data y periodismo en la sociedad red (Síntesis, 2015); as well as, among others, some essays such as Telebasura y periodismo (Libertarias, 2004); La razón estrangulada. La crisis de la ciencia en la sociedad contemporánea (Debate-Penguin-Random-House, 2008, 2014, 2015) and El selfie de Galileo. Sofware social, político e intelectual del siglo XXI (Península-Grupo Planeta, 2015).

Ana María López-Cepeda, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Ana María López Cepeda holds a Degree in Journalism from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), a Degree in Law from the National University of Distance Education, and a PhD in Communication and Journalism from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

She is currently Professor at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), where she teaches courses on Media Structure and Public Communication Policies. She belongs to the research group Comunicación Pública: Poder, Derecho y Mensaje from the UCLM.

Her research focuses on public communication policies, audiovisual policies, copyright and journalism, structure of media outlets and public service media. In the professional background, she worked as journalist and editor in written press and communication offices.


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How to Cite

Soengas-Pérez, X. ., Elías-Pérez, C. ., & López-Cepeda, A. M. (2018). Processing of political and institutional information in TVE. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 1072–1089.


