Techno-addiction to sex in the youth population: Proposal of items for the desing of a detection and screening scale
Addiction, Sex, ICT, Youngs, Detection and Screening Scale, ClinicAbstract
There are not many questionnaires that explain the use of Internet focused on sexual activity in the network and the sexual problems that derive from it from the use of technology for sexual purposes, and these questionnaires are less frequent if we refer to the child, adolescent and youth population (Stefano Eleuteri, Francesca Tripodi, Irene Petruccelli, Roberta Rossi, Chiara Simonelli, 2014). Objective: Present some articles-parameters for the design of an early detection and screening scale about the problematic use of the Internet for sexual activities in adolescents and young people, that informs us if an individual has a problem or not, or risk of having it regarding the sexual activity on the Internet, which will then lead to the creation in the future of a tool that can assess the causal-origin of sexual behaviors through the Internet and its relation to the lack of impulse control and disturbances in daily life. Method: The method used to design the scale consisted in the creation of a theoretical model from a meta-bibliographical analysis, in the proposal of psychosocial factors that integrate the phenomenon, and in the analysis of the previous existing scales in this field, of the which were obtained independent items-factors. To find the theoretical model exposed, it was tried to identify the shortcomings, to understand the coincidences and to look for the disorder as origin. Results: As a result, we obtain, through previously extracted factors as well as from previous theoretical models, certain items established in the DSM-5 that in the future will help us build an early detection and screening scale for the youth population, and based on in the causal origin of the behavior when an individual decides to "look for sex on the Internet". Conclusions: 11 items-factors are presented as solid proposals previously not considered for the creation of a future valid clinical tool for measuring the problem of using the Internet for sexual purposes based on the DSM-5, and which are based on: depression, anxiety, aggressiveness, social phobia, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), compulsivity, obsession and impulsivity. At the same time, in the future, we intend to be able to collect information about the nature of the problem.
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