The perception of women journalists about their job. The gender variable in professional culture




Empowerment, woman, journalism, gender, Spain, profession


Introduction: There is an analysis of the differences between the perceptions about journalism as profession among men and women working as journalists in Spain, and the differences that separate empowered women journalists from empowered men of the sector. Methodology: the paper is part of the transnational comparative study Worlds of Journalism Study (WJS) based on a questionnaire targeted to a representative sample of journalists from 124 media. Results: Women recognise more than men, all the pressures derived from the pursuit of business profit and feel more compelled by business decisions, censorship, politicians and groups of pressure. The least empowered women manifest more condescension towards political and economic power, while the minority who breach the glass ceiling gain autonomy (possibly due to their empowerment on digital media). They also advocate impartiality but show less interest for the function of power surveillance. Discussion and Conclusions: Both aforesaid situations could be associated to the need for «enabling conformism» and to the fact that they tend to perceive the qualitative and deontological decline of journalism the least.


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Author Biographies

Roberto de Miguel Pascual, Rey Juan Carlos University

Graduated in Information Sciences and PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), he is currently a full professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain). His main lines of research are: communication theory, public opinion, political communication, methods and techniques of research in communication. H index: 8

Sonia Parratt-Fernández , Complutense University of Madrid

Degree in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country, European Doctorate in Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and an exerriodist. She is currently a full professor in the Department of Journalism and Global Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). His lines of research are: journalistic writing, analysis of the journalistic message in press, journalism and literature, and environmental journalism. H index: 9

Maria Rosa Berganza, Rey Juan Carlos University

She has a broad experience in the management of national projects and international comparative studies on journalism and political communication. She is an expert in quantitative techniques of social research, especially content analysis and surveys. She has worked as principal investigator on different national projects as well as studies funded by international entities as the European Commission. Among the latter, there is INFOCORE, (In)forming Conflict Prevention, Response and Resolution (, from the 7th Framework Programme and REMINDER (Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms,, from the H2020 Programme. She is principal investigator of Worlds of Journalism Study for Spain. H Index: 19; i10 Index: 30.


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How to Cite

de Miguel Pascual, R., Parratt-Fernández , S. ., & Berganza, M. R. (2019). The perception of women journalists about their job. The gender variable in professional culture. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (74), 1818–1833.




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