Digitization, economic crisis and public local television in Spain. The cases of Andalusia and Catalonia (2010-2015)





DTT, local television, economic crisis, digitization, Andalusia, Catalonia, Spain


The digitization in a context of economic and financial crisis gravely affected local public television in Spain. This article examines the dimension of its impact and the reasons that explain it. Methodology: The comparative analysis of the Andalucian and the Catalan cases allows us to show in detail the evolution of the two regions with a wider local public sector. Results: We contribute with abundant and original data that measure, for the first time, the impact of the crisis in the funding, human resources and contents in the public DTT-L sector. Discussion and conclusions: Conclusions show the weakening of the sector, the lack of strategies from autonomous governments and the heterogeneity of local solutions to a State-wide problem. Moreover, we point out the necessity of a research about the impact in the contents and the situation of these companies and workers.


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Author Biographies

Josep Àngel Guimerà i Orts, Autonomous University of Barcelona- UAB

Josep Ángel Guimerà (Vinaròs, Valencian Country, 1976) has a degree and a doctorate in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His thesis dealt with the gestation, birth and transformation of local television in Catalonia (1976-2005). His research has focused on the structure and communication policies in Catalonia and Spain, especially on local and regional television; and communication in stateless nations. He has been a member of the Observatory of Communication Policies of the Institute of Communication of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2009-2013) and of the Observatory of Local Communication (2000-2014), both of the Institute of Communication (InCom-UAB) . He was coordinator of the latter between 2003 and 2008. He teaches about ICT; and Structure of the Audiovisual System.

Carmen del Rocío Monedero Morales, University of Málaga

Doctor with a European Mention in Journalism from the University of Malaga, she currently works as a teacher in the Department of Journalism at said institution. His line of research is focused on proximity media, music journalism, gender in urban culture and educational innovation. It is part of COMandalucía, the UMA's local public and associative media observatory. She has worked as Press Officer in the Provincial Delegation of Welfare and Social Equality of the Junta de Andalucía and in the Commonwealth of Municipalities of the Costa del Sol-Axarquía, as well as as a journalist on radio and written press and collaborator in music and music sections. multi-media culture.

Aida Martori Muntsant, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Aida Martori Muntsant (Arenys de Munt, 1987) has a degree in Journalism, an Official Master's Degree in European Integration and a PhD in Media, Communication and Culture from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His thesis, recognized with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, analyzes the role and functions of public television, focusing attention on proximity media from the perspective of the communication structure. His research interests are in local journalism, public service media, cultural industries, and transmedia communication. She has completed research stays at the University of Glasgow and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and has been a visiting professor at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Israel. It has been awarded in by the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, by the Associació Catalana de la Premsa Comarcal.

He currently teaches at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and at the Tecnocampus university center, and combines teaching and research with professional activity, collaborating with different media.


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How to Cite

Guimerà i Orts, J. Àngel ., Monedero Morales, C. del R., & Martori Muntsant, A. (2017). Digitization, economic crisis and public local television in Spain. The cases of Andalusia and Catalonia (2010-2015). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 574–589. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1180


