Audience participation as added value for public service proximity television. The case study of ETB 2’s La noche de…




Audience participation, proximity television, crossmedia interaction


While the model of public service television that focuses on audiences has been traditionally criticised for being more akin to the commercial television model than to the public service broadcasting model, contemporary literature points out that in the age of digitisation and convergence audience participation is precisely a key element of public television (Castro, 2012; Doyle, 2010; Kjus, 2009; Bardoel, 2007). This article examines audience participation in Spanish regional public service television and, particularly, tries to determine two questions: 1) whether the variety of participation channels provided by crossmedia productions –a TV show’s website, discussion forums and Twitter and Facebook accounts– increases effective audience participation; and 2) whether this participation can be said to contribute to the fulfilment of the mission of public service television, especially proximity television. Method. The study first provides a review of the literature on audience participation and the forms of participation promoted by European, national and regional policies. The TV show La noche de…, broadcast by the Spanish network ETB 2, is subsequently analysed based on the results of the literature review. Results: The increasing attention paid to audience participation in the European and Spanish literature and legislations is not proportionally reflected on the reality of public service television, and particularly of regional public service television corporations.


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Author Biographies

Ana Azurmendi, University of Navarra

Full Professor of Communication Law (, at the School of Communication, of the University of Navarra, since 1991. Board member of the Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life of the University of Navarra. Director of the journal Communication&Society (1997-2013).

Author of eight books, including Derecho de la Comunicación (“Communication Law”) (Bosch, Barcelona, 2011), La reforma de la televisión pública española (“The Reform of the Spanish public television”) (Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2007), El derecho a la propia imagen(“The right to self-image”) (Madrid, 1997, and Mexico DF, 1998), El Consejo Audiovisual de Navarra. Sus funciones y competencias en el contexto europeo de regulación del sector audiovisual(“The Audiovisual Council of Navarra. Its duties and powers in the European context of regulation of the audiovisual sector”) Consejo Audiovisual de Navarra, Pamplona 2009). Author of 30 articles published in indexed journals and 28 book chapters.

Former Professor of Communication Law in the TV show “Comparative Media Law”, at the University of Oxford (July 2006), and the University of Paris II (February 2003). Former Professor in the Doctoral TV show in Public Freedoms and Fundamental Rights, of the University of Salamanca-Pan-American University (2007-2008) in Mexico City. Former Professor in the Doctoral TV show in Information Law of Mexicos National Autonomous University (UNAM)-Universidad de Occidente-Universidad Iberoamericana (2000-2003). Former Professor of Intellectual property law of the Masters TV show in Creation and Digital Communication of the University of La Coruña (1998-2009).

Main researcher of an R&D project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Competitiveness: “Transformation of regional television, 2013-2016”. Participant in eight financed research projects on the Public Television Service, intellectual property in the digital environment and the conflict between personality rights and freedom of expression.

Appointed evaluator of the Technical Committee of Spains National Quality Assessment Plan (2001), and quality evaluator of the schools of communication of the Carlos III University (2006), the University of Malaga (2006), the Camilo José Cela University (2006), the University of the Basque Country (2005), the Pontifical University of Salamanca (2003), and the San Pablo-CEU University of Madrid (2001).

Member of the International Media Lawyers Association (IMLA) and coordinator of the Communication structure and policies division of the AE-IC research group.

Carles Llorens, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Carles Llorens holds a Bachelors Degree in Information Sciences (1992) and a Doctoral degree in Audiovisual Communication (2001) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His doctoral thesis explored media concentration in Europe and pluralism. Full Professor of Structure of the Audiovisual System of the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 2003. Former coordinator of the Bachelors degree TV show in Audiovisual Communication of the University of Barcelona (2010-2013) and Vice-Dean of the Strategy and Innovation Plan of the School of Communication Sciences since 2013 at the same university.

His main lines of research are media concentration in Europe and public television from the perspective of public policies of the European Union. 

He developed a research study on the convergence of audiovisual media and the telecommunications sector in Europe at the Centre de Recherche Informatique et Droit (CRID) of the University of Namur (Belgium), thanks to the Marie Curie research fellowship granted by the European Commission (1996-98).

“Academic Visitor” at the Center for Socio-Legal Studies of the University of Oxford (March 2006 to February 2007), where he carried out a research study on the impact of European media policy on British TV companies and regulators.

Former Spanish delegated in the “East of West: Setting a New Central Eastern European Media Research Agenda” (COST A30, 2007-2010).

Member of the consolidated research groups of the Autonomous University of Barcelona GRISS, since 1998, and INCOM since 2005.

Editor of consulting reports for the British company “Solon Consultants”, in projects funded by the European Commission on the evaluation of e-commerce projects and Spanish R&D policies.

Journalist in Europa PressMarca and Onda Cero Barcelona-Onda Rambla (1993-1996).

Member of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (ULEPICC), and the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

Nereida López Vidales, University of Valladolid

Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Valladolid with two research lines recognised by the CNEAI. She holds a Doctoral degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of the Basque Country (1997), a Bachelors degree in Political science and administration and a Masters degree in radio production. She has worked several years in different media companies. She currently combines teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate TV shows at several Spanish universities with teaching at the RTVE Institute. Director and founder of the Observatory of Leisure and Digital Entertainment (Ocendi). Member of several scientific and professional associations, and contributor for various media companies.

Her research lines are audiovisual media and technology, the evolution of professional job profiles, media consumption trends, digital culture, and the creation of new entertainment content for the digital environment. Author of several dozens of journal articles and eleven books.

Juan José Bas Portero, CEU-Cardenal Herrera University

Juan José Bas Portero holds Bachelors degrees in Philology, from the University of Valencia, and in Information sciences, from the CEU SAN PABLO University of Valencia, and a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His Doctoral thesis was directed by Professor Miguel de Moragas and explored the birth of the Valencian Radio and Television.

He started teaching in 1991 at the School of Humanities and Communication Sciences of the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University (Valencia). He teaches communication theory, structure and policy. He currently teaches communication structure and audiovisual media system.

His research articles and most relevant publications address audiovisual media structure and policy, especially in the Valencian Community. 

He has participated in different R&D projects funded by Spains National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation. One of these projects focuses on the analysis of pluralism in media groups in Spain, while another focuses on the impact of the internet on the redefinition of the regional public service television. He is currently part of a new research project, funded by the National R&D Programme and approved by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. This project examines the transformation of regional TV from two perspectives: the weakening of public service broadcasting and technological development in a context of crisis.


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How to Cite

Azurmendi, A. ., Llorens, C. ., López Vidales, N. ., & Bas Portero, J. J. . (2015). Audience participation as added value for public service proximity television. The case study of ETB 2’s La noche de…. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 490–518.


