Technical and documentary language by Brazilian Eduardo Coutinho




Communication, Audiovisual narratives, Documentary, Language


Eduardo Coutinho represents the development and innovation of the Brazilian documentary. His career is still marked by a novel technique of interviews with participants also mix documentary with other communication techniques, especially fiction and journalism. This article provides a recovery path Coutinho and his major works. 2. Method. A literature review and analysis of filmic discourse is applied to understand the history and languages ​​adopted by Coutinho during his career as a documentary. 3. Who was. Before acting as a documentary, Coutinho has studied law but always acted in theater and visual arts. This discussion presents Coutinho before documentaries. 4. Frames by Eduardo Coutinho. The main works of the documentary are presented, as well as its important features that transform the filmography of director in one of the most important in Brazil. 5. Conclusions. We conclude that Eduardo Coutinho has left a gap in the Brazilian documentary, since his death in 2014. However, their contributions are transformed the genre, as the results presented in the article.


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Author Biographies

Denis Renó, Paulista State University

He is Journalist and documentary filmmaker, Doctor of Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo (Brazil), has developed post doctoral Transmedia Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and post doctoral Interactive Interfaces for Mobile Devices University of Aveiro (Portugal).

He is Professor of Journalism Program at the Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication at State University Paulista - UNESP (Brazil), where he also teaches graduate program in Digital Television. In addition, he teaches graduate program in journalism at the State University of Ponta Grossa - UEPG (Brazil).

In his career, besides having acted on television and the Internet, was producer and director of 11 documentaries, some of them classified at international festivals. Among his works, the Paulistas Tradições documentary highlights, cadê? (2003), classified in the 18th Sign Audiovisual Paulista (Brazil), Candy Visual (Mexico) and Viaxes na Lusophony Festival (Spain) festival. The experimental productions, interactive documentary highlights Atomic Bogotá (2009) and the Galician-Portuguese transmedia documentary (2013).

As a researcher, he is the author of four books: Cinema documental interativo e linguagens audiovisuais participativas (2011), Documentário em novas telas (2012), Periodismo Transmedia (2012) and Discussões sobre Nova Ecologia dos Meios (2013), as well as author of 23 book chapters and over 82 academic journals indexed in Brazil or international indices items.

He is currently Academic Director of the Latin American Narrative Transmedia Chair and member of the Media Ecology Association (USA), besides being MobiLab Research Coordinator - Laboratory for Studies on New Narratives and Mobile Devices. The laboratory is funded by development agencies in Brazil.

Carolina Campalans Moncada, University of Rosario

She is Journalist and Bachelor of Social Communication University of Playa Ancha (Chile), Diploma of Advanced Studies and PhD candidate in Communication at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain).

Since 1996 he has taught undergraduate and graduate programs at universities in Chile, Spain and Colombia, mainly in the area of history of communication, media and journalism, plus media studies and digital journalism and transmedia. He is currently professor and research career at Universidad del Rosario (Colombia).

As a researcher, she is specialist in the study of nonfiction media languages. His PhD thesis deals with the media discourse on emerging social welfare policies.

She has authored chapters of books published in Chile, France, Colombia, Peru and Spain. He was also co-editor of two books on transmedia narratives (narratives Transmedia: Between theory and practice, Bogotá, 2012, and Journalism Transmedia: Multiple Perspectives, Bogotá, 2013), a compilation of new media ecology and another on media and public opinion forthcoming in Bogotá.

Luciana Renó, State University Paulista

She is Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU (Brazil), a master's degree in Information Systems at the same university. He is currently a doctoral student in the Department of Communication at the Faculty of Journalism II of the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), where he developed research on Data Journalism and transmedia narrative.

She taught degree programs in Systems Engineering, Computer Science, Business Administration, Journalism and Social Communication, the latter two subjects Quantitative Research Methods Narrative Transmedia.

Currently, she is Professor of Computer Graphics, Law and Radio and Communication Projects at Program Radio and Television State University Paulista - UNESP (Brazil).

As a researcher, she has authored chapters of books published in Portugal, Peru, Brazil and Colombia, as well as publishing a work published in Colombia on Media Ecology and Citizenship. She is also author of articles published in magazines in Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Bolivia, Poland and Portugal. Among his texts, a study on Data Journalism and Fiction transmedia, subject of his doctoral thesis stands.

As a researcher, she is researcher MobiLab Transmedia Research - Laboratory studies on New Narratives and Mobile Devices.


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How to Cite

Renó, D. ., Campalans Moncada, C., & Renó, L. . (2015). Technical and documentary language by Brazilian Eduardo Coutinho. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 174–186.


