Human Being as a Communication Portal: The construction of the Profileon Mobile Phones




human being, communication portal, profile, mobile phone


The incorporation of mobile phones in the daily life of human being not only modifies the dimensions of space and time, but it also changes the perception and the way to relate with the ecosystem. Methodology. The state of the art is analyzed from the technological concept of intimacy, used by Boyce and Hancock, which describes the levels of interaction between man and technology. Then, it is proposed a methodology to explore issues increasingly pressing, especially, concerning the delimitation of public and private spheres and the interaction in the common space. Results and conclusions. Following in particular the theories of Castells, Heidegger, Meyrowitz and Habermas; a set of categories for deepening the concepts of spatialization, willingness and profile are articulated. These concepts are identified as key elements in this first stage of the project for the analysis of the human being as a communication portal.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Fidalgo, University of Beira Interior

Antonio Fidalgo holds a degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lisbon, Magister Artium and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Würzburg. He is currently the rector of the UBI.

He is a Full Professor at the University of Beira Interior and Director of Labcom - Online Communication Laboratory. He was the founder of BOCC (Library of Communication Sciences) and SOPCOM (Portuguese Society of Communication Sciences), having also chaired the External Evaluation Committee of university studies in Communication Sciences and Technologies, within the scope of CNAVES.

Line of research: Rhetoric, Semiotics, Online Communication...

Ana Serrano Tellería, University of Beira Interior

Posdoc, Ph.D candidates coordinator of the European FEDER project 'Public and Private in Mobile Communications' in LabCom, University of Beira Interior (2013 -...).

Ph.D. (2010) and Bachelor in Journalism (2002) by the University of The Basque Country. Extraordinary Ph.D Award (2012). First cycle of English Translation and Interpretation (2000). Management of European projects and international cooperation in Documenta (2012-13).

Responsible of the Communication Department in Territorial Development Agency "Campoo Los Valles" (2011). Master in Management of Innovation (Full grant, 2010-11). Visiting researcher at the School of Communication in Federal University of Salvador de Bahia, Brazil (Grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, 2009). Cultural Management (2005). Masters in Theatre and Performing Arts (2004-05). Professor of Theatre (2003-04). Online journalist, Vocento (2002-03).

Research line: Online Communication, Design, Performing Arts

José Ricardo Carvalheiro, University of Beira Interior

José Ricardo Carvalheiro is Master in Sociology and Ph.D. in Communication Sciences. In LabCom, integrates online research “Media, Identity and Citizenship” and coordinates the research project on "Memory Reception and Audiences Women in the New State."

Among his research interests should be highlighted also the relationships between the media, migration and cultural identities. It is part of the Department of Communication and Arts of UBI, where he directs a degree in Communication Sciences since 2009.

He has taught primarily in the areas of Journalism, Communication Theories, History of the Media, and Public and Audiences. Since 2012, he runs the LabCom books publisher. He worked as a journalist for a decade.

Research line: Media, Identity and Citizenship.

João Canavilhas, University of Beira Interior

João Canavilhas holds a degree in Social Communication from UBI, a DEA in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and a PhD from the University of Salamanca with the thesis "Webnoticia: propuesta de modelo periodístico para la WWW" (Webnoticia: proposal for a journalistic model for the WWW).

He is currently a professor at the University of Beira Interior, where, in addition to teaching, he is the director of URBI, the first online newspaper among universities in Portugal and deputy director of Labcom - UBI's Online Communication and Content Laboratory.

Line of research: Information and persuasion

João Carlos Correia, University of Beira Interior

João Carlos Correia is associate professor at the University of Beira Interior and researcher in Labcom. His areas of intervention are Communication and Citizenship, Journalism, Communication and Culture. PhD in Communication Sciences.

He was a visiting professor at the Pompeu Fabra University (2007-2008), the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2010) and University of Sofia - St. Klement Ordinjski - Bulgaria (2012-2013). He is the author of books "The Brave World of News" (2011), "Theory and Criticism of News Discourse" (2009), "Communication and Citizenship" (2005) and "Communication Theory of Alfred Schutz" (2004), "Journalism and Public Space (1996).

He was the organizer and editor of nearly a dozen collective works and has essays and book chapters published in Brazil, Spain and the UK. He is the coordinator of the research area "Identity and Citizenship" and Director of Scientific Journal in Communication Studies (Revista Científica Estudos em Comunicação).

Research line: Media, Identity and Citizenship.


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How to Cite

Fidalgo, A. ., Serrano Tellería, A., Ricardo Carvalheiro, J., Canavilhas, J. ., & Correia, J. C. . (2013). Human Being as a Communication Portal: The construction of the Profileon Mobile Phones. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 545–565.




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