Monterrey and the Local Media. The study of ideological reproduction through four life stories


  • Lorena Frankenberg Technological de Monterrey



Cultural studies, ideological discourse, civic identity, texts local, Monterrey, citizenship


This paper analyses the ideological discourse of the local print and television news media of the eighties in the city of Monterrey, Mexico according to the biographical narratives of four leading journalists. The purpose is to pay attention to the role of ideology in the media as emphasized by cultural studies in its beginnings. The main question posed was: What was the role of the media in the eighties in the reproduction of the ideology of the economic and industrial elite of Monterrey and its relationship with the value system and civic identity of the audience members? According to the journalists interviewed, members of the industrial elite had a direct and explicit influence in the policies and contents of the main local newspapers and television stations, except for a daily newspaper that lost its predominance when rejecting that influence. The paper discusses the close relationship between media, audiences and the structures of ideological reproduction of the local industrial group, and the ways in which all these elements continously interact.


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Author Biography

Lorena Frankenberg, Technological de Monterrey


Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, Mexico

Associate researcher in the Chair of Research in Communication Media (CIMECOM) and student of the Specialty in Communication and Cultural Studies in the Doctorate in Humanistic Studies of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, Mexico. She obtained a Master of Humanities from the University of Monterrey.

Tel (52-81) 81-58-22-68


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How to Cite

Frankenberg, Lorena. 2008. “Monterrey and the Local Media. The study of ideological reproduction through four life stories”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 63 (June):294-302.


