Electoral debates in the VODs of the Public RTVs of Europe





VOD platforms, electoral debates, public television, VOD, participation, new formats, Europe


Introduction: In the public media, the electoral debate is of special interest because of the rules that these televisions must adopt to fulfill their public service commitments and maintain the values of diversity, universality, and participation. In the new scenario posed by VOD's platforms, the inclusion of these televised electoral debates and variations in their format are presented as an exercise of transparency and a commitment to the country's audiovisual memory that reinforces the values of diversity, proximity, and representative universality. Methodology: The article comparatively reviews the use of this format in seven of the main public television stations in Europe following the models of Hallin and Mancini and with a regional subdivision within the democratic-corporatist model to obtain results with an ethnical-political cut. Results and conclusions: There is a notable disparity between public televisions that have access to electoral debates on their VOD platforms. The analysis reveals that, despite its importance, the debates are not available in the online media environments, although they are accessible from third-party platforms, mainly YouTube.


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Author Biographies

Martín Vaz-Álvarez, University of Santiago de Compostela

Martín Vaz-Álvarez is a journalist who graduated from Santiago de Compostela University, Master in Research in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Ph.D. candidate in the Ph.D. Program in Information and Contemporary Communication at the University of Santiago de Compostela. His thesis is focused on co-creation in public broadcasters, innovation, and new technologies. He is currently part of the Novos Media research group of the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela as a predoctoral researcher in training, being a beneficiary of a University Teacher Training grant (ref. FPU19/06204).

José Miguel Túñez-López, University of Santiago de Compostela

José Miguel Túñez López is an Associate Professor, accredited Professor, and director of the International Doctoral School in Arts and Humanities, Social, and Legal Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He is currently focusing his research in the field of media automation.

Carmen Costa-Sánchez, University of Coruña

Carmen Costa Sánchez is currently a professor of Corporate Communication in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Coruña. Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the USC. Her fundamental lines of research are Corporate Communication, Communication for Health, Mobile communication, and transmedia. She is a member of the Research Group on Culture and Interactive Communication of the University of Coruña.


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How to Cite

Vaz-Álvarez, M. ., Túñez-López, J. M. ., & Costa-Sánchez, C. . (2020). Electoral debates in the VODs of the Public RTVs of Europe. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (76), 81–96. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2020-1438


