The journalists' education in the twenty-first CENTURY in Brasil, Spain, Portugal and Puerto Rico
communication, journalism, professionals, educationAbstract
The reaped experience during last few decades for Communication studies has had three clear consequences: a progressive these studies incorporation in the majority of the educational institutions superior of main countries of the world, with different programs and for very different ways; an increase of investigations on the sector, and a growing interest for adapting the education to the new profiles that have appeared in different support. By this way is the situation has been arrived to an outlook with a good offer academician and with more journalists with university studies.
Details point out that the education level of the journalists has been increased, although every time are needier of current knowledges to work in the complex existing society, and that is a favorable outlook for the continuous training, an one-size-fits-all challenge communicators of the digital age.
Efforts undertaken in these years in Brazil, Spain, Portugal and Puerto Rico in this field show, according to will try to show in this work, result of a study compared out of the four cases, especially in the last ten years, some difference, several coincidences and a shared objective: initiatives to improve learning plans with highest-quality projects.
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