YouTube, the mediate of the popular culture from the cyberspace




Folk-communication, folk-media, cyberspace, Internet, video, audiovisual


The world more lives changes in the medias of mass, becoming them each time globalizations. On the other hand, the technology has modified the processes and the limitations of the communicational processes, with the simplification of these communicational processes, with the simplification of this and who have access to the Internet can create communities, publish information and show its videos produced in digital technology. The article argues the YouTube as it set appointments mediator of available productions of folk-communicational character in the Internet through a study of case of the folk-media quantity of the same, having as theoretical support especially the methods of Luiz Beltrão and the optimism of Néstor Canclini with regard to the effect of the globalization.


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Author Biography

Denis Porto Renó , Methodist University of São Paulo

Journalist, student of masters and doctorate in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo - Umesp, where he investigates on interactive cinema. He is a member of Red INAV-Red Iberoamericana de Narrativas Audiovisuales. His study plan includes documentary film productions and various participations in congresses and national and international magazines.


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How to Cite

Porto Renó , D. (2007). YouTube, the mediate of the popular culture from the cyberspace. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (62), 190–196.


