Vox political party discourse, strategies and interactions on its official Instagram account during the A-28 elections. Radical right and Social Networks





Introduction: We investigate how Vox has used its official Instagram account during the two previous months to the 28-A elections. Objectives and methodology: Various texts are reviewed in order to place the political group ideologically, identify its discourse axes and the role of Instagram in its communication. Messages in the official account during the studied period are selected, obtaining a sample of 81 publications. Through a validation table, communication strategies, discourse axes and interaction are determined. We deepen into the analysis of the 20 publications with the highest interaction levels. Results: Cult of law, nativism and closed groupthinking are the main strategies and narratives of Vox, using metaphors and sinecdoques in clusters. Conclusions: Vox presents itself as a civil resistance movement that adapts to the youth code. Predominant communication strategies favor political polarization, nativism, law and order cult, with a hyper-leadership and a simplifying language.


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Author Biographies

Eva Aladro Vico, Complutense University of Madrid

She has been Titular Professor at the Journalism and New Media Department in the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid, in the Information Theory area since 1996. She is director of the Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación magazine, director of the Communicative Structures and Interactions at the different levels of Communication Consolidated Research Group (940820) of the UCM. She is author of 140 articles, books and academic chapters in her field of expertise, and translator of 50 specialized academic texts in the same field. She won the UCM Excellence Lecturing Award for the 2015-2016 course. Among her books there are: Teoría de la Información y la Comunicación Efectiva, La Información Determinante or Las Diez Leyes de la Teoría de la Información. She has been Guest Lecturer in the Universities of Frankfurt (Germany), Melbourne (Australia), Thessaloniki (Greece), Athens (Greece), Crete (Greece), Cagliari (Italia) and Monterrey (Mexico). She is the spokeswoman of the Support Platform for the Teatro Albéniz, the Platform for the Restructuring at the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as writer for a blog and six poetry books. Latest research projects: 1. - European Project AGLAYA-CM: Innovation Strategies in Cultural Myth Criticism. European Union, Structural Funds. 200.000 euros. CO-IP. 2. - Jean Monnet Module The Role Of Public Service Media In Promoting An Active Citizenship And An Inclusive Dialogue. 586770-Epp-1-2017-1-. 3. - INNOVA DOCENCIA 2018 Project, Activation of political communication through social networks. IP. 4. - European Project, Artivism: artistic practices as instruments for social transformation. Project type: CO-IP.

Paula Requeijo Rey, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

She is a PhD Assistant Professor at the Journalism and New Media Department in the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid. She lectures at different Universities and Master’s Degrees, such as University Camilo José Cela (UCJC) of Lleida Cesnext. She won the UCM Excellence Lecturing Award for the 2018-2019 course. She is certified as a PhD Hired Professor and Professor for a Private University by ANECA. She is a visiting researcher in the University of California (USA) and the Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM). She is part of the Communicative Structures and Interactions at the different levels of Interpersonal Communication Consolidated Research Group of the Complutense University. She has participated in more than a dozen research projects including 5 European ones and several R+D, she has 42 published works, indexed in the first positions and editorials. Latest research projects: 1. European Project AGLAYA-CM: Innovation Strategies in Cultural Myth Criticism. European Union, Structural Funds. Amount: 200.000 euros. 2. Research and Development Project (R+D) of the Promotion State Program for Excellence Scientific and Technical Research “Cultural Produsage on Social Networks: Industry, Popular Consumption and Audiovisual Literacy of Spanish Young People with Gender Perspective”, with a 30.000 euros financing, 2018-2021. 3. Innova-Docencia No. 132 Project of the Quality Evaluation Vice-Rector Office of the Complutense University of Madrid “Activation of Political Communication through Social Networks”. 2018-2019 Course, (Start date 01/06/2018 - End date 30/06/2019). Complutense University. Directed by the Titular Professor Eva Aladro Vico. 4. Artivism European Project: Artistic Practices for Social Transformation. European Committee, Erasmus Plus. Complutense University, Nottingham Trent University (England), Élan Interculturel Association (France) and Artemisszió Foundation (Hungary), with financing over 250.000 euros


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How to Cite

Aladro Vico, E., & Requeijo Rey, P. (2020). Vox political party discourse, strategies and interactions on its official Instagram account during the A-28 elections. Radical right and Social Networks. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (77), 203–229. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2020-1455




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