Efficacy in communication of DNGOs. The use of Facebook in emergency campaigns





Facebook, DNGO, communication, emergency, social networks, efficacy


Social networks are the base of the efficacy of communication of DNGO. The objective of the study is to determine the role of said networks and analyze the characteristics of Facebook messages, the most used social network in emergency campaigns. Methodology.  We performed a survey to DGNO’s community managers, we have studied the behaviors of their publics through the interaction rate and performed a contents analysis of the messages of the campaign of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti. Results. Data show that on emergency campaigns publics have more interaction if messages are well articulated. Conclusions and discussion. The efficacy of the emergency campaigns depends more on the interaction of publics than the number of posts published. When the public is more active there generates the horizontal conversation DNGO look for.


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Author Biographies

Isidoro Arroyo-Almaraz, Rey Juan Carlos University

He is currently Professor of University of the audiovisual communication and advertising area at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD in Information Sciences from the U.C.M. Master in Communication Techniques at Social Services UCM-IMSERSO.

Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University, (United Kingdom), ITS Sligo (Ireland), Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21 (Córdoba República de Argentina), Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina Republic) and Universidad Austral (Bs As, Argentina). Guest researcher at the National University of Córdoba (Republic of Argentina).

Principal Investigator of the Project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation "Development of a model of effectiveness of the persuasive communication of the third sector in social networks" (CS02009-11203) funded by the VI National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011; Principal Researcher of research on strengthening the communication departments of the NGIsts of Córdoba (Argentina) funded by AECID (2009 and 2010). CIECIENCIA Researcher. Effective, efficient and responsible communication for competitive research projects", reference CSO2017-82875-C2-1-R.

Director of the SIC (Solidarydar, Research in Communication) research group of the URJC, he is part of the research group SOCMEDIA of the UCM and the research excellence group URJC-Banco de Santander Digital Markets Research Group, Digital Society and Transmedia Narratives.

He has been director of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII International University Conferences of Social Advertising held at the URJC.

Director of the I Ibero-American Congress of Institutional Communication and Social Advertising, 2018.

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Samuel Calle Mendoza , Rey Juan Carlos University

He is currently an external professor of the official Master of the URJC of Communication and Sociocultural Problems and specialized educator of the NGOD Save the children since 201. Degree in Journalism (2010), Master in Communication and Sociocultural Problems (2011) and Doctor of Journalism (2017) from the King Juan Carlos University of Madrid. His thesis "The effectiveness of the use of social networks in the communication of NGOs" obtained the qualification of outstanding cum laude.

Collaborator of the research group SIC (Solidarydar, Research in Communication) of the URJC.

Cliff Van Wyk, Bournemouth University

Senior Professor in Advertising and Marketing since 2007 at The Bournemouth University, specialist in Strategic Planning and Applied Creativity. He has 30 years of experience in advertising and marketing consulting.

Researcher in public communication and marketing at the Faculty of Media at the University of Bournemouth in the United Kingdom. He has been a speaker at the international conferences Global Diversity, Age Matters, Brand Activation.

He has been a visiting professor at Spanish, Argentine, South African, Ecuadorian, French and Dutch universities.


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How to Cite

Arroyo-Almaraz, I. ., Calle Mendoza , S. ., & Van Wyk, C. (2018). Efficacy in communication of DNGOs. The use of Facebook in emergency campaigns. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 765–789. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2018-1281


