E-skills acquisition and deficiencies at the university in the context of the digital economy





Digital skills, digital context, degree programme, employability, comprehensive education, innovation


The academic qualifications and skills demanded by the e-economy are forcing universities to incorporate academic strategies that facilitate the learning of the technology requirements that enhance individual opportunities of employability. This article evaluates the digital skills of future professionals according to the business requirements emerging in Europe and Latin America. Methods: The study is based on a validated survey questionnaire that investigates five key areas of digital skills among Spanish and Mexican undergraduate students. The statistical analysis involves descriptive and correlation stages. Results and conclusions: This research study has confirmed that undergraduate students lack digital skills in the areas of communication, safety and problem solving. It has been demonstrated that students do not acquire the skills required by the current context of digital transformation during the course of their university degree programme.


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Author Biographies

Erika Patricia Alvárez-Flores, State University of Sonora

Erika Patricia Álvarez-Flores holds a PhD degree in Multimedia Technologies. Associate Professor at the State University of Sonora (UES), Mexico. Member of the Research Group “Educational Innovation and Development”, recognised by Mexico’s Public Education Department (SEP), and member of the “Digital Literacy at the University” Network (RED-LDU), certified by Mexico’s National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT).

Researcher in the area of multimedia technologies use in university teaching and learning. Former coordinator of projects for the development and implementation of strategies for the improvement of digital competencies among university students. Participant in research projects on innovation in learning environments.

Member of the scientific committee of the online journal Ágora de Heterodoxias.

Patricia Núñez-Gómez, Complutense University of Madrid

Patricia Núñez Gómez holds a PhD degree in Advertising and an MA degree in Philosophy. Associate Professor of advertising at the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Member of national and international research groups and Director of the research group Teens, communities and Digital Literacy (http://tcdl.icono14.es/).

Researcher in the areas of new technologies, social networks, children and young people, digital competencies and entrepreneurship in the 21st century, and innovative educational methodologies.

Member of the Images and Words research group of the University of Alcalá, which focuses on children and youth: Media Literacy (www.uah-gipi.org). Member of several international organisations: Chair of the section of Advertising Research of the European Communication Research and Education Association. Member of the Child Protection Council.

Coordinator of the area of Creativity of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising I of the Complutense University of Madrid. Director of the International Chair in Child Communications and Marketing The Modern Kids & Family. Member of the editorial board and scientific committee of various prestigious journals. Her publications include various articles related to technologies and innovative teaching methods, published in Action Research and Learning by doing.

Member of the SOCMEDIA Research Group, focused on the study of digital natives, of the Complutense University of Madrid. Member of different R&D projects, as well as different projects with companies.
H-index: 4.

Carlos Rodríguez Crespo, Complutense University of Madrid

Carlos Rodríguez Crespo holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences, an MA degree in Journalism, a University Specialisation Diploma in Participatory Research and Local Management, and a BA degree in Political Science and Sociology, all from the Complutense University of Madrid. Diploma in Advanced Studies in Sociology from the National University of Distance Education (UNED) and a Certificate as Specialist in Quantitative Methods from the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC).

Researcher at the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and previously at the Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI). Reviewer at the Política y Sociedad journal. Researcher in the areas of discourse analysis, youth employment and trends in digital content, and currently copywriting in digital environments, employment, and digital skills.
H-index: 1.


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How to Cite

Alvárez-Flores, E. P. ., Núñez-Gómez, P. ., & Rodríguez Crespo, C. . (2017). E-skills acquisition and deficiencies at the university in the context of the digital economy. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 540–559. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1178


