The online Climate Change Communication in Spain


  • Gemma Teso Alonso Complutense University of Madrid
  • Carlos Lozano Ascencio Complutense University of Madrid



online communication; climate change; information sources; cybermedia; climate emergency; sectors; sentiment., Communication, online, information sources, cybermedia, climate emergency, sectors, sentiment


Introduction: The evolution of news coverage of climate change during the last twenty years coincides with the emergence, expansion and consolidation of digital media in Spain. The objective of this study is to explore online communication on climate change in Spain, identifying the main sources of information and the characteristics of the communication they practice. Methodology: All the records obtained during the first online probe carried out by the Observatory for Climate Change Communication during spring-summer 2019 (data from Kantar Media) are analyzed. Results: There is a trend similar to conventional media in terms of seasonality, schedules and coverage. The main general and specialized sources of information are identified, establishing a ranking with the thirty most relevant and the "sentiment" associated with the speeches is analyzed. Discussion: The general press is the undisputed leader in the online environment due to the low volume of publications on climate change on radio and television on the Internet. Sectorial associations, companies and municipal or regional institutions are the main sources of specialized information together with the press. The Europa Press news agency ranks first in terms of volume of information published in the ranking of the thirty main sources of online information. Conclusions: We find great transversality of climate change as an informative reference, which is communicated by specialized sectors such as the economic and financial sector and by various media concerned by the ecological transformation in the social context of the climate emergency of 2019.


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Author Biographies

Gemma Teso Alonso, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Graduated in Audiovisual Communication and Expert in the preparation of Reports and Documentaries (UCM). Professor of Communication Theory and Research Methodology in Social Communication at the Faculty of Information Sciences (UCM). Professional teaching officer in the specialty of Processes and Media of the Ministry of Education of the CAM. She worked for 10 years in the public entity Radio Televisión Madrid. She is the coordinator of the Climate Change Media Communication Observatory launched by the research group Mediación Dialéctica de la Comunicación Social (MDCS) of the UCM and ECODES. She has been a researcher at the R+D+i "The hegemonic discourse of the media on climate change (Risk, uncertainty, and conflict) and an experimental test with alternative discourses among young people (CSO2010-16936COMU)". Among others, she has coordinated the applied innovation project of the Ministry of Education "Jóvenes Frente al Cambio Climático" ( and the K202 Erasmus + Strategic Association for Educational Innovation and the exchange of good practices YOUNGSTERS I.DOC MAKERS (YIDOCM, Member of the research team of the MAPCOM 2 project.

Carlos Lozano Ascencio, Complutense University of Madrid

Doctor in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Bachelor of Communication Sciences from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma of Mexico. He is a Professor of Journalism at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). Currently, he directs the University Master's Degree in Cultural Journalism and New Trends at the URJC and is the Coordinator of the Section: Theories and research methods in Communication of the Spanish Association for Research in Communication (AE-IC). His main lines of research have to do with Risk and Catastrophe Communication, Communication meta-research, and the History of Journalism. He is a member of the research team of the Climate Change Media Communication Observatory launched by the research group Mediación Dialéctica de la Comunicación Social (MDCS) of the UCM and ECODES. He is Chief Researcher (CR) of the MAPCOM 2 project (


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How to Cite

Teso Alonso, G., & Lozano Ascencio, C. (2022). The online Climate Change Communication in Spain. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 65–87.




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