The collaborative construction of open databases as tools for citizen empowerment




Database, citizen empowerment, open data, emerging technologies


In the current context of digital media and social networks, in which citizens have gone from being consumers to ‘prosumers’ of information, they begin to demand transparency from the government and to become aware of their collective potential to change the world in which they live, buy and vote. Method: This article uses the case study technique to analyse open data portals and identify the technological and strategic elements that make it easier for citizens to collaboratively re-use and retransmit information that allows them to make informed decisions and construct their social reality. Results and conclusions: There is a ‘movement’ of open data initiatives, which are mostly dedicated to release public financial and political information; to organise it mainly according to geopolitical criteria; and make it available to citizens through technological standards and participation models that show the way to achieve change.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Álvarez García, Rey Juan Carlos University

He is currently a teacher and researcher at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, where he teaches Digital Communication subjects in the Degrees of Communication Sciences. He is a professor in the Master's Degree in Research, Data and Visualization Journalism (URJC – Editorial Unit), and the Master's Degree in Intelligence Analyst (URJC-UC3M).

Accredited as a contracted doctor since 2012, he holds a PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he has graduated as a Master in Communication Techniques in Social Services; Specialist in Communication and Political Management; Expert in Social Communication of Energy; and Bachelor of Journalism.

Its lines of research are related to the application of Information and Communication Technologies (TICs) to Journalism, Advertising, Audiovisual Communication and Learning. He develops this activity as a member of the Cyberimaginary research groups (Icono14-Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) ( and SOCMEDIA (Complutense University of Madrid) (

He is immersed in the "OpenDataCitizen" project. Digital Citizenship and Open Data Access: citizen empowerment through social media in the digital environment" of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2013-2015, National R&D&I Plan, Reference CSO2012-30756); in the project "Digital content based on open data and participatory construction of social reality" of the King Juan Carlos University and the Office of University Cooperation (PRIN13_CSJ18); and in the project "Telematics Network of Medical Training in the Atlantic department (Colombia)" (Universidad del Norte Foundation and COLCIENCIAS).

He has published several research articles and book chapters, coordinated books and monographs in scientific journals and participated as a speaker in Congresses and other events, all in relation to digital communication and e-learning.

He has been vice-dean of quality and delegated teaching units of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the King Juan Carlos University, where he has also coordinated semi-presidential degrees in Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations.

He is Secretary of the Scientific Association of Researchers in Communication and Emerging Technologies Icon 14 ( and in his professional career highlights the executive direction (CEO) of Learning 360 (ICT Solutions for Learning) (; coordination of digital projects at the National Centre for Educational Information and Communication (now INTEF, of the Ministry of Education; or writing and criticism in the film section of the cultural and leisure magazine

Manuel Gértrudix Barrio, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor of Multimedia and Interactive Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, he is currently Academic Director of the Virtual Campus of the URJC and a member of the Cyberimaginary research groups of the King Juan Carlos University, and Socmedia of the Complutense University of Madrid. He is a professor at the Master's Degree in Research, Data and Visualization Journalism (URJC – Editorial Unit), and the Master's Degree in Intelligence Analyst (URJC-UC3M)

PhD in Information Sciences, Professor of Solfeo, Theory of Music, Transposition and Accompaniment, University Expert on the Internet and its applications, and Career Officer of the Corps of Secondary Teachers in the specialty of Music.

Specializing in the area of Digital Communication, he has published numerous texts in monographs, scientific journals and collective books in which he has also addressed other lines of research: eLearning, ICT in Communication, Applied Music, Creativity, or Radio, among others.

Professionally, he has participated in editions in the audiovisual and multimedia fields as an author, technician, editor and project manager. He is co-editor of the Scientific Journal of Communication and Emerging Technologies Icon 14 (, and has been Technical Advisor, and Head of Service for the implementation of the distance educational offer of the National Center for Information and Educational Communication of the Ministry of Education and Science, between 2001-2007, and Coordinator of the Online Degrees of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the URJC between 2009 and 2010.

As a teacher, he has taught the subjects of Music, Image and Audiovisual Communication in Middle Teachings in centers of the C. de Madrid, and, in Higher Education, at the Complutense University of Madrid, the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and the Carlos III University of Madrid, focusing his teaching on different subjects of Audiovisual Narrative, Audiovisual And Multimedia Production and Realization.

He has completed research stays at the Institute of Simulation and Training at the University of Central Florida (USA) and the Unversity of Stirling (Scotland), and teaching at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) and the Universidad del Norte (Colombia).

Mario Rajas Fernández, Rey Juan Carlos University

Professor Hired Doctor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Coordinator of the Academic Content Production Unit of the Virtual Campus the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.

PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Previously, he taught at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the European University Miguel de Cervantes de Valladolid from 2006 to 2008.

Currently, he teaches the subjects of 'Language and Audiovisual Technologies' and 'Audiovisual Technologies: Editing' for the degrees of Audiovisual Communication, Audiovisual Communication and Business Administration and Advertising and Business Administration.

Professor of the Master's Degree in Narrative Studies in Visual Arts, teaching the subject of 'Contemporary Popular Imaginaries: Comics, Television, Transmedia Narratives'.

Editor of Icono14 Editorial and director of the collections 'Narrative Studies', 'Art Books' and 'Workshop of Audiovisual Experiences'.

Member of the Cyberimaginary research group, he has participated in several researches (R&D&I) on new technologies and audiovisual communication financed by various public bodies such as the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Industry.

He has published the books The Poetics of the Sequence Plane: Analysis of Film E enunciation in Continuity (SP UCM, 2009) and Cinema 3D: Technology and Aesthetics (Fragua, 2010) and has coordinated the publications Audiovisual Narratives: The Story, Audiovisual Narratives: Audiovisual Speeches and Narratives: Mediation and Convergence (with Francisco García García, Editorial Icono14, 2011); Sequence analysis. Audiovisual didactic innovation (with Concepción Mateos, Editorial Icono14, 2012) and audiovisual technologies in the digital age (with Sergio Alvarez, Fragua, 2013).

He has also published several research articles in scientific journals and collective books and has participated in national and international congresses.

In university management, he has been Director of the European Area Commission for Higher Education of the Audiovisual Communication Degree, Director of the Virtual TV Set at UEMC and Erasmus-Munde coordinator of the Advertising and Public Relations degree at the URJC.

He has directed the Audiovisual Text Analysis Days and the Seminar of Contemporary Cinema since 2010 of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the URJC and the Conferences of Didactic Innovation in Audiovisual Narrative of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid.

He has conducted research stays at Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), University of Aberystwyth (Wales) and University of California Los Angeles (USA).


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How to Cite

Álvarez García, S. ., Gértrudix Barrio, M. ., & Rajas Fernández, M. . (2014). The collaborative construction of open databases as tools for citizen empowerment. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (69), 661–683.


