Pluralism and political parallelism in Spanish television news programmes




pluralism, political parallelism, news, digital terrestrial television, Spain


This article has two main objectives. Firstly, it attempts to determine whether the news content of the mainstream Spanish television channels is governed by external pluralism which is a distinguishing feature of the polarised-pluralist media system, as exposed by Hallin and Mancini. The second objective is to address the relation that exists between pluralism and political parallelism. Methods: The study is based on the content analysis of a sample of 3,134 news items broadcast by the prime time news programmes of six national television networks: TVE1Antena 3TelecincoLa SextaCuatro and IntereconomíaResults: The Spanish model of television is hybrid and combines different degrees of internal and external pluralism depending on the network’s profile and the media group’s business strategy. The news programmes produced by the public television channels exhibit the highest levels of internal pluralism.


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Author Biographies

María Luisa Humanes, Rey Juan Carlos University

She is Associate Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD. in Communication Sciencies at the University Complutense (Madrid) since 1997.  Postgraduate in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis at Sociological Research Centre (CIS)

Since 2002 she is Associate Professor in the area of knowledge of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and has recognized two complements of scientific productivity by the CNEAI (1997-2009).
She was Director of the Department of Communication Sciences II, University Rey Juan Carlos, and has served on the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Communication Sciences for the reform of the Communication degrees within the European Higher Education Area.

Vocal member of the Committee on Science Policy at AE-IC. Her research interests are: Theories and research methods applied to communication, professionalization and professional cultures in journalism and journalistic.

María Dolores Montero Sánchez, Autonomous University of Barcelona

María Dolores Montero Full is Full Professor of communication theory and political communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where she directs the UNESCO Chair in Communication Incom-UAB.

Ramón Molina de Dios, University of the Balearic Islands

Ramón Molina de Dios is Associate Professor of applied economics at the University of the Balearic Islands but he is currently on extraordinary leave of absence for secondment to another public body. He is the Director of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Economy, Treasury and Innovation of the Government of the Balearic Islands.

He is the author of one book and the co-author of nine more.

Alfredo López-Berini, Rey Juan Carlos University

Alfredo López-Berini holds an M.A. degree in Applied Communication Research and is currently a Ph.D. student at the Rey Juan Carlos University.


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How to Cite

Humanes, M. L. ., Montero Sánchez, M. D. ., Molina de Dios, R., & López-Berini, A. (2013). Pluralism and political parallelism in Spanish television news programmes. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 566–581.


