Television, family atmosphere and perception of values in teenagers with and without ADHD




Television, family, values, teenagers, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning and development difficulties


The current media culture offers few opportunities for people to maintain their attention over prolonged periods of time and may complicate the understanding of the meaning of the transmitted messages. Thus, this research aims to establish the similarities and differences between teenagers with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in terms of television preferences in relation to the family atmosphere and the perception of values. The study is based on the opinions of 209 teenagers with and without ADHD and aged between 14 and 18 years. The results, which are based on answers to the CH-TV 0.2 and VAL.TV.02 questionnaires, indicate that there are two majority TV-viewer profiles among the sample of teenagers. These profiles are differentiated by the preference towards certain TV genres, the importance granted to the physical attractiveness of TV characters, which is related to the values of openness to change and self-enhancement, and family cohesion and expressiveness. However, there are remarkable differences between the ADHD and normal groups with regards to those profiles. This study aims to contribute to the study of individual differences in relation to media consumption, and to the development of educational media literacy programmes for children and teenagers, according to the characteristics of their target audience.


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Author Biographies

Ana Aierbe Barandiaran, University of the Basque Country

Ana Aierbe holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, and is Full Professor at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education of the University of the Basque Country.

She has wide professional and research experience in the fields of Family, Development and learning difficulties, and Media. She has participated in various research projects financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Educational Values of the University of the Basque Country.

Her research studies in the aforementioned areas have been published in numerous books and journals of national and international impact. She regularly collaborates with organisations dedicated to help and study of children and teenagers with development and learning difficulties and their families.

She currently collaborates with the Department of Educational Innovation of the Basque Government in the creation of a protocol for joint action between the Health and Education Ministries to attend students with ADHD in the Basque Country.

Concepción Medrano Samaniego, University of the Basque Country

Conception Medrano is Professor of Developmental Psychology and Education at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Education of the University of the Basque Country.

She is responsible for the UNESCO Chair in Communication and Educational Values in the same University. She has directed and co-directed several research projects on values and education with researchers from other national and international universities.

Her current line of research focuses on the study of the relations between the media, as socialisation agents in childhood and adolescence, and the configuration of identity. Her work in this area has been published in various national and international journals.

She is President of the Social and Legal Sciences Evaluation Committee of the UNIQUAL (Agency for the Quality Evaluation and Accreditation of the Basque University System); associate editor of the journal of Infancia y Aprendizaje; expert member of the Academy Program of ANECA (the Spanish National Agency for Quality Evaluation); and research projects evaluator of the ANEP (the Spanish National Agency for Assessment and Forecasting).


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How to Cite

Aierbe Barandiaran, A., & Medrano Samaniego, C. (2013). Television, family atmosphere and perception of values in teenagers with and without ADHD. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 248–267.




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