Virtual set on television. Analysis of the use of virtual set in the realization of a TV program




television, Virtual set, Conducting TV, Scenography, Pre-production, Design


The virtual studio is a very recent phenomenon that emerged in the mid-90 'as an application of virtual reality to the television field. This article examines how virtual studio amending process of realizing television affecting their various stages of pre-production, production and post-production of a television program. This research has been carried out considering the impact in technology, creative and economic offered by the use of this technology. The field work that has been used to carry out this analysis has been on-line questionnaires and in-depth interviews with professionals who work with virtual scenery in Spain in public and private television channels with national  and regional coverage.


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Author Biography

Esteban Galán Cubillo, Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU

- Currently working in the Department of Virtual Applications of Valencian Television.

- Doctor in Information Sciences from the Cardenal Herrera

-CEU University with the thesis The use of virtual scenery in the realization of a television program: development of an ad hoc model, with the qualification of outstanding cum laude. July 2007.

- Degree in Information Sciences, specialty in Audiovisual Communication 1997/2002, at the Cardenal Herrera

-CEU University, Valencia, with the qualification of Extraordinary Award.

-Award Ondas 2007 to RTVV for the coverage of the America's Cup, where he carried out the graphics work in the broadcasts of the regattas from April to July 2007.

- 3rd National Prize 2003 in Audiovisual Communication, endowed with 1,800 euros.

- Ocaso 2002 Award for the best academic record as a graduate in Audiovisual Communication, endowed with 3,200 euros.

- Extraordinary End of Degree Award 2002, UCH - CEU.

Published articles:

Escenografía virtual en TV. Análisis del uso de  escenografía virtual en la realización de un programa de televisión


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How to Cite

Galán Cubillo, Esteban. 2008. “Virtual set on television. Analysis of the use of virtual set in the realization of a TV program”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 63 (January):31-42.


