Politicizing the discourse of Colombia's mayors during the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter





political communication, Twitter, discourse, Covid-19, politicized collective identity, digital social networks, ideological orientation


Introduction: When facing objective threatening situations such as the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, the messages of political leaders acquire a fundamental role in sustaining the social order and in the implementation of measures created to face the crisis. For this purpose, they construct differentiated discourses with emotional and ideological referents that legitimize government administration and configure a politicized collective identity. Therefore, this research analyzed the language used on Twitter (now X) of 18 mayors of the main cities of Colombia during the pandemic, with the objective of identifying frames of meaning of the threatening reality according to their political orientation (left-right). Methodology: Through a longitudinal non-experimental study, accounts were monitored for three weeks before and three weeks after the first officially registered case of COVID-19 in the country. Results: Right-wing mayors diffused mainly negative emotions to legitimize obedience; while left-wing mayors combined positive and negative emotions (anxiety and anger) to promote coping. Discussion: The findings reflect differentiated processes of collective identity that are politicized in the socio-political context of the health crisis. Conclusions: Further research on the instrumentalization of cognitive and emotional frames in the political context is recommended, given that they allow us to reveal communication strategies that influence public opinion as a frame of reference to overcome threatening situations at a global level. Also, the use of advanced data mining for the study of beliefs and emotions in real time that is communicated in digital media.


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Author Biographies

María Idaly Barreto-Galeano, Universidad Católica de Colombia

PhD in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Senior Researcher (Minciencias) associated with the Europsis research group (Category A1) in the line of social, political and community psychology at the Catholic University of Colombia. At the same University, she is Academic Vice-Rector and Associate Professor of the Doctoral Program in Psychology. Her research focuses on the study of language, political communication and its implications in conflict de-escalation, reconciliation and the construction of peace cultures. She is a member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies and the Political Psychology Node of the Colombian Association of Psychology Faculties (ASCOFAPSI).

Diana Rico-Revelo, Universidad del Norte

PhD in contemporary political processes, associated with the research group Conflicts and Postconflicts from the Caribbean (Category A) in the line of transitional justice at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. At the same University, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations. Her research focuses on the study of political behavior, social movements and peace building. She is a member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Association of Political Science (ACCPOL) and of the International Scientific Network of Studies in Territory and Culture (RETEC).

Andrea Velandia-Morales, Universidad Católica de Colombia; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

PhD in Psychology from the University of Granada - Spain. Postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva in the COSOYPA research group at the University of Santiago de Compostela, in the line of analysis of the cognitive-emotional dimensions involved in political attitudes and behaviors. Her research focuses on the study of the effects of economic inequality on consumption behavior and related ideological and psychological variables. As well as gender stereotypes, sexism in advertising and its effects on the maintenance of gender inequality. Member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies.

David Aguilar-Pardo, Universidad Católica de Colombia

PhD in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Junior Researcher (Minciencias) associated with the Europsis research group (Category A1) in the line of social, political and community psychology at the Catholic University of Colombia. In this same University, he works as assistant professor in the Faculty of Psychology. His research focuses on the evolution of the brain, the expression of prosocial behaviors, social neuroscience and the structure of social networks. He is a member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies whose objective is to systematically monitor the digital verbal production associated with violence and cultural peace in specific social and political contexts.

Diana Camila Garzón-Velandia, Universidad Católica de Colombia

Psychologist, Master in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia and PhD student in Psychological Processes and Social Behavior at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Catholic University of Colombia and junior researcher in the Europsis research group (category A1 Minciencias) in the line of social, political and community psychology. Her research focuses on political polarization, intergroup relations, political behavior and the construction of peace cultures. She is a member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies whose objective is to systematically monitor the digital verbal production associated with violence and cultural peace in specific social and political contexts.

Juan Camilo Carvajal-Builes, Universidad Católica de Colombia

PhD in psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia. Associated to the Europsis research group (category A1 Minciencias) in the line of legal and criminological psychology. He works at the same university as Coordinator of the specialization and laboratory of legal and criminological psychology, as well as a teacher attached to the PhD program in psychology. His research has focused on legal psychology, especially on issues related to the psychology of testimony, psychology and forensic psychopathology. He is a member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies, as well as of the Legal Psychology Node of ASCOFAPSI. He works as a consultant and private forensic expert in different areas of law.

Alexis Carrillo-Ramírez , Universidad Católica de Colombia; Universidad de La Laguna

Professional in Psychology and Master in Psychology from the Catholic University of Colombia. D. student in Psychology at the University of La Laguna (Spain), with experience in development of Advanced Analytical Models, Statistics, Psychometrics and University Teaching. He has been a consultant in projects of statistical test management, multivariate methods, Machine Learning and Data Mining applications in R, SQL and Python languages. He has also developed scientific research, design, analysis and evaluation of psychometric tests. His lines of research are: statistical modeling with multivariate analysis methods, stimulus equivalence simulations in artificial neural networks and machine learning algorithms.

José Manuel Sabucedo-Cameselle, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Psychologist and PhD in Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostela with extensive research experience in social, political and environmental psychology. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Promoter and President of the Spanish Scientific Society of Social Psychology (SCEPS). Principal investigator of the research group of Social Behavior and Applied Psychometrics (COSOYPA). His research focuses on the study of social psychology, social movements, behavior and environment and attitudes. He is a member of the Social Network Observatory for Psychology Studies.


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How to Cite

Barreto-Galeano, María Idaly, Diana Rico-Revelo, Andrea Velandia-Morales, David Aguilar-Pardo, Diana Camila Garzón-Velandia, Juan Camilo Carvajal-Builes, Alexis Carrillo-Ramírez, and José Manuel Sabucedo-Cameselle. 2024. “Politicizing the discourse of Colombia’s mayors during the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 83 (May):1-21. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2025-2307.




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