Shaping a “localized” journalism in European digital media. A study of cases




local journalism; digital media; Berliner Zeitung; This is Local London; Sevilla Actualidad


Introduction: Local journalism is emerging as a central political element in the shaping of local communities on the Internet. In an hyperconnected context, this research aims to conceptualize a form of public service: “localized” journalism. Method: This paper employs the study of cases research strategy to assess the journalistic “location” of the European Union in three local digital media from different countries: Berliner Zeitung, This is Local London and Sevilla Actualidad. This empirical approach through the study of cases works as a frame for a critical review of the literature on local journalism. Results and discussion: Superficiality and lack of digital languages are found in the examples. This can be counteracted by simple and practical information, as showed in the analyzed text of This is Local London addressing European seasonal clock change. The “localized” information requires a utilitarian view and new formulas that connect more with the audience, like transmedia narratives.


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Author Biographies

Rubén Rivas-de-Roca, Department of Journalism II. School of Communication. Sevilla University. Spain

Department of Journalism II. School of Communication. Sevilla University. Spain.

Rubén Rivas de Roca is Research Staff in Training at the Department of Journalism II of the University of Seville. PhD Candidate in the doctoral programme in Communication (Online Journalism) of the universities of Cadiz, Huelva, Malaga and Seville. Bachelor’s degree in Journalism (Highest Grades Award and National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance 2014-2015) and master’s degree in European Studies (Highest Grades Award) from the University of Seville. Student in the master’s degree programme in Communication, Culture, Society and Politics of the National Distance Education University (UNED). Beneficiary of a predoctoral contract funded by the Sixth Institutional Research and Transfer Plan of the University of Seville (VI PPIT-US). At the School of Communication of the University of Seville he teaches Political and Economic Journalism and is a member of the SEJ-619 Communication & Social Sciences (COM & SOC) research group (SEJ-619). Former research fellow at the European Commission, the Galicia Europa Foundation (Government of Galicia in the EU) in Brussels, and the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS). Guest researcher at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies of the University of Leipzig (Germany). His research work focuses on journalistic quality, local information and new digital media, as well as European political communication, regarding the communication policies of the European Union and their media representation.

Mar García-Gordillo, Department of Journalism II. School of Communication. Sevilla University. Spain

Member of the SEJ-619 Communication & Social Sciences (COM & SOC) research group. At the University of Seville, she is the current Head of Communication, the former Vice Dean of Internship and Career of the School of Communication, and former Director of the Internship and Career Center. Currently teaching in the Official Master’s degree programmes in Institutional and Political Communication and in European Studies. She has supervised five PhD theses, all of which have been awarded cum laude (one of these won an international award). Member of the faculty of the interuniversity PhD programme in Communication of the University of Seville. Former coordinator of all Specialised Journalism subjects attached to the Department of Journalism II. Her research lines focus on the study of journalistic quality, international and European political communication, local information and new digital media. Her H-index is 7 and i10 is 6 (November 2018). She participated as a researcher in the project titled “Satisfaction of women’s information needs. Analysis of news media from a gender perspective” (INVM PR041-07) and is currently participating in the project titled “Influencers in political communication in Spain. Analysis of the relationships between opinion leaders 2.0, the media, political parties, institutions and audiences in the digital environment” (CSO2017-88620-P).

Francisco J. Caro-González, Department of Business Administration and Marketing. School of Communication. Sevilla University. Spain

Francisco J. Caro González holds a bachelor’s degree in Economic and Business Sciences and a PhD degree in Business Administration. He teaches subjects related to news media management and organisation and entrepreneurship at the School of Communication of the University of Seville since 1993. He has participated in different official postgraduate courses in Spain and abroad (Chile, Peru, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Dominican Republic). His research work focuses on gender studies related to news media and entrepreneurship, change management in organisations and qualitative research methods. He has been the leading researcher in an R&D project on the gender perspective in journalistic companies. Member of the SEJ-619 Communication & Social Sciences (COM & SOC) research group. Leading researcher in the R&D& project titled “Satisfaction of women’s information needs” (2007-2010). He has participated in different national competitive research projects, being responsible for their methodological development. Guest researcher at the Ecole de Management Européenne (Strasbourg) and the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (Paris); and the University of Burgos (Spain). Director of the Occupational Lab of the University of Seville since 2013, responsible for analysing the insertion of graduates in the job market.


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How to Cite

Rivas-de-Roca, R. ., García-Gordillo, M. ., & Caro-González, F. J. . (2020). Shaping a “localized” journalism in European digital media. A study of cases. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (75), 1–26.


