The imaginaries of the future journalists in France




Imaginaries of journalists, journalistic identity, ideals and motivations of journalism students, future journalists in France


This article analyses how differently future journalists perceive the professional and social realities of journalism according to their gender and socio-economic background. The study is based on two methods. The first method is the empirical analysis of the social features of the students of the schools of journalism of the public universities of Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Tours and Marseille, at the start of their studies. The second method is a series of in-depth interviews that investigate the family history, values and perceptions about journalism of the students of the Institute of Journalism of Bordeaux. The results show that journalism students are not a homogeneous group. Their social backgrounds are remarkably different and greatly influence their perception of the profession of journalism.


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Author Biography

María Santos-Sainz, Michel de Montaigne University of Bordeaux

María Santos-Sainz, PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, is a professor of Journalism at the Institut de Journalisme Bordeaux Aquitaine of the Michel de Montaigne University in Bordeaux, whose direction she has assumed since 2006 to 2012. President of CEJER, Chercheurs en Journalisme des Ecoles Reconnues. She is the author of several books, including L ’élite journalistique et son pouvoir (Editions Apogée, 2006) and The power of the journalistic elite (Fragua, 2003). Before dedicating herself to teaching, she has been editor of Diario 16 and editor-in-chief of the magazine Españoles en el Mundo, likewise she has collaborated in various publications in France and Spain such as Cambio 16, Fígaro Magazine, etc.

Among the various research works in which she has participated, the following stand out:

_ "Gender stereotypes in the European reference media" in Information Technologies and Social Communication towards the knowledge society (Dir.) Lucia Hinojosa Cordova, Monterrey, Autonomous University of New Mexico, 2011.

_ "Stéréotypes de genre dans les mediums: de la majorité invisible aux archétypes anachroniques", in Femmes et Médias, Médias de femmes, (dir.) Valérie Lootvoet, Bruxelles, Collection Pensées féministes, Edition Université des Femmes, Bruxelles, 2010.

_ "The media omnipresence of the journalistic elite." New perspectives in the digital age in Transformations of radio and television in Europe (dir.) Carmen Peñafiel Saiz, Editorial Service of the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, 2007, p. 189-195.

Likewise, she has published articles in relevant magazines such as Estudios del Message Periodístico, Telos, Revista Mexicana de Comunicación and Cahiers de la Sfic, in France. These include:

_ "A look at the credibility crisis: The French journalistic elite." In Mexican Journal of Communication, No. 110, April / May 2008, p. 42-45.

_ «Between ethical demands and market journalism. The credibility of the reference media and the journalistic elite. Telos. No. 61, 2004.

_ "Culture and television in France", N ° 9, Studies of the Journalistic Message. Publications Service of the Complutense University, 2003.

_ "Media self-criticism in the French press after September 11", Studies of the Journalistic Message, No. 8. Publications Service of the Complutense University, 2002.

Her lines of research focus on press and power relations, the reference press, the journalistic elite, opinion journalism, gender and the media.


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How to Cite

Santos-Sainz, M. (2013). The imaginaries of the future journalists in France. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (68), 145–166.


