Learning and innovation: a methodological proposal from the teaching of Media Management





Educational innovation, EHEA, Media Companies, Methodology, Podcasting, Educlick


After its adaptation to the EHEA, the Department of Journalism IV of the Complutense University of Madrid began a project of methodological renovation and educational innovation –linked to an R&D project– in the teaching of Media Management, with the aim of providing future communication professionals with the skills required by the new business reality. The project was developed in different stages and was structured along the following lines of action: use of ICTs and Web 2.0 tools to develop activities that put new energy into the learning process: podcasts, interviews with executive directors and managers, entrepreneurial projects 2.0, intensive use of the Virtual Campus and blogs. In addition the teaching innovation project involved collaborative work to resolve real cases, with the implementation of the Educlick system’s software and hardware. This article presents the foundations and results of the new learning methodology model, which could be extrapolated to the teaching of other subjects of journalism.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Peinado-Miguel, Complutense University of Madrid

Fernando Peinado-Miguel holds a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Dr. Peinado currently teaches at the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the Department of Journalism IV, Media Management, which he directs at the Complutense University of Madrid. He has taught courses at the CES Felipe II University; the San Pablo-CEU University; the Southern University of Chile; Popular University of Funchal (Madeira); and the VOX Institute. He has also taught in the Master’s programmes in Radio offered by the COPE Foundation, since 2007, and the Complutense University of Madrid/RNE (“National Radio of Spain”), since 2008.

Dr. Peinado has coordinated the MEDIA–Prensa project, which is part of the Online Educational Resources programme of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain. He is the director of the International Complutense Seminar (SIC), titled La radio y la televisión en la Europa Digital ("Radio and television in the Digital Europe"), of the Complutense University of Madrid (2004). In recent years he has directed summer courses in Segovia (SEK) and El Escorial (Complutense University of Madrid). He has been member of the European Media Management Education Association (EMMA) since January 2004, and of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC).

In the past five years, he has co-authored the following books: La Sociedad de la Información (“The information society”) (2009-2010) BUC (available at: http://eprints.ucm.es/11543); and Guía de Publicaciones gratuitas en Madrid (“Guide of free publications in Madrid”) with Dolores Rodríguez-Barba and Manuel Fernández Sande (Madrid Emprende, 2009). He also co-authored (with Dolores Rodríguez-Barba) the chapter Nuevos Modelos de Negocio para la Radio ("New business models for Radio"), included in Radio 3.0, una nueva radio para una nueva era (Fragua, 2011). In addition, he has published various articles on educational innovation; newspaper, radio and television companies; and professional media profiles.

His current lines of research are: 1) Critical analysis of the media system: credibility and impact on citizenship (for the Ministry of Education and Science, reference code: CSO2008-05125); 2) Media in the digital Europe. Employment situation in journalism and new opportunities; 3) Media management in Spain; and 4) Technological developments and content management in media companies.

Manuel Fernández-Sande, Complutense University of Madrid

Manuel Fernández-Sande holds a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences and a B.A. degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid; a B.A. degree in Documentation, from the Carlos III University of Madrid (2010); and an M.A. in Radio Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2002).

Dr. Fernández has participated as researcher in various projects financed by public and private entities. He is the author of the books Los orígenes de la radio en España. Volumen I and Los orígenes de la radio en España. Volumen II (“The origins of radio in Spain”), published by Editorial Fragua (Madrid, 2006). He is the co-author (with Fernando Peinado-Miguel and Dolores Rodríguez-Barba) of Guía de Publicaciones gratuitas en Madrid (“Guide of free publications in Madrid”), published by Emprende (Madrid, 2009). He is the co-editor (with Fernando Peinado-Miguel and Dolores Rodríguez-Barba) of La Radio y la Televisión en la Europa digital (“Radio and Television in the digital Europe”) (Madrid, 2005). In addition, he has published several scientific articles and book chapters and has participated as speaker at various national and international scientific conferences.

His current lines of research are: Educational uses of the Social Web in the teaching of communication degrees; Strategic management of media companies; Knowledge organisation and management in digital environments; Study of professional profiles in communication; and Analysis of the radio market in Europe.

He is member of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC) and the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).

Dolores Rodríguez Barba, Complutense University of Madrid

Dr. Rodríguez has participated in several research projects: Critical analysis of the media system: credibility and impact on citizenship (of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, reference code: CSO2008-05125); the MEDIA–Prensa project (of the National Centre for Information and Educational Communication, as part of the Online Dolores Rodríguez-Barba holds a B.A. degree in Visual and Hearing Image Sciences and a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Dr. Rodríguez teaches Media Management, Organisation and Management of Media Companies and Media Management Theory in the bachelor’s programme in journalism. She also teaches at the official Master’s programme in journalism of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Her lines of research are: 1) Media in the digital Europe. Employment situation in journalism and new opportunities; 2) profile of communication students when entering the university; and 3) Management of radio content.

Educational Resources programme of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports); and La imagen de Andalucía (“The image of Andalusia”). She has also participated in local communication projects.

She is the co-editor (with Fernando Peinado-Miguel and Manuel Fernández-Sande) of La Radio y la Televisión en la Europa digital (“Radio and Television in the digital Europe”) (Madrid, 2005). Co-author (with Fernando Peinado-Miguel) of the book chapter Nuevos Modelos de Negocio para la Radio ("New business models for Radio"), included in Radio 3.0, una nueva radio para una nueva era (Fragua, 2011). Co-author (with Fernando Peinado-Miguel and Manuel Fernández-Sande) of Guía de Publicaciones gratuitas en Madrid (“Guide of free publications in Madrid”), published by Emprende (Madrid, 2009). She has also published several articles on educational innovation; newspaper, radio and television companies; and professional media profiles, in journals such as Derecom, Razón y Palabra, Icono 14, Vivat Academia, Anuario Dircom and Informe de la Profesión Periodística.

Dr. Rodríguez started her career in TVE, and then became part of different radio projects including the creation of Europa FM network, where she was the Secretary General. She has also taught at the CES Felipe II University, the Southern University of Chile, and the Official Institute of Radio and Television (IORTV). She is also member of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC).

Miguel Ángel Ortiz-Sobrino, Complutense University of Madrid

Miguel Ángel Ortiz-Sobrino holds bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and in Visual and Hearing Image Sciences; master’s degrees in Humanities (from the Francisco de Vitoria University) and in Media Research (from the AIMC); and a doctoral degree in Information Sciences (from the Complutense University of Madrid).

Since 1977, Dr. Ortiz has worked for RTVE, where he has held senior management positions such as Chief of Programming in Radio 5, Deputy Director of Territorial Stations in RNE, and Deputy Director of Programme Planning in RNE. He directed the Official Institute of Radio and Television (IORTV) from 2000 to 2009. He also worked as Deputy Director, in Radio Televisión Madrid, and Chief of Programming, in Onda Madrid.

Dr. Ortiz has extensive university teaching experience. He has been professor at the San Pablo-CEU University and the Rey Juan Carlos University. From 1989 to 2009, he directed the Master’s programme in Radio offered by the Complutense University of Madrid and RNE (“National Radio of Spain”).

He currently works at the Complutense University of Madrid as Professor in the area of Media Management and delegate for Medialab/Info-radio in the School of Journalism. He has been working on the following lines of research for more than a decade: Television and Childhood; Women and the Media; Professional Profiles in Radio; Funding of Radio and Television; Techniques and formats in radio communication.

He is the author of more than 40 publications and articles related to the field of communication. During the last fifteen years he has also participated and directed summer courses in the main Spanish universities: Rey Juan Carlos University, Complutense University of Madrid, and Pablo de Olavide University, among others. He is also a collaborating member of the Information Service of the EBU. His most recent publication, in 2011, is the book titled Radio 3.0 Una nueva radio para una nueva era (“Radio 3.0, A new radio for a new era”), of which he is editor.


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How to Cite

Peinado-Miguel, Fernando, Manuel Fernández-Sande, Dolores Rodríguez Barba, and Miguel Ángel Ortiz-Sobrino. 2013. “Learning and innovation: a methodological proposal from the teaching of Media Management”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 68 (February):119-44. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2013-971.




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