Social Representations and Citizenship Practices in a Rural Community: A Strategic Communication Contribution




Strategic communication, social representations, citizenship practices


The community of Las Calles, located in Traslasierra Valley, in the west of Córdoba Province, Argentina, is characterised by a unique combination of rural and touristic life and a large urban to rural migration movement. In this sense, a diversity of cultural groups and identities coexist in this community. These cultural groups are part of “culture” as a strategic arena for the understanding of the tensions that tear apart and reconcile the “being together” continuum.

This paper analyses social representations and interactions among actors from emerging and existing cultures (hippies and paisas, respectively) in this rural community, as well as the emergence of new codes and citizen ship practices. Citizenship interactions and practices demand the review and redesign of the “current” sociocultural integration and management policies. Here is where strategic communication can and must contribute to the promotion of this community’s territorial and local development.


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Author Biographies

Luciana Trimano, University of Cordoba

She holds a B.A. in Social Communication and she is a Ph.D. student in Communication, at the School of Information Sciences, Department of Law and Social Sciences, National University of Córdoba

She started his investigations working on the profile and practices of social communicators. Currently, her work focuses on rural and environmental communication, with an emphasis on cultural studies.

She is a member of several research and extension teams. Some of the most relevant are: Research Programme Transformaciones culturales masivas (Massive Cultural Transformations), Centre of Advanced Studies, National University of Córdoba. Working team funded by the University Extension Secretary: Aportes para la Construcción de un Desarrollo Socioterritorial Agroecológico en Comunidades de Traslasierra de Córdoba, (Contributions for the Construction of a Socio-territorial Agro-ecological Development in Communities in Traslasierra region, Córdoba, Argentina). National University of Córdoba. University Volunteer Project Reconstruyendo Identidades (Rebuilding Identities). Comunicación Educativa Rural para el Desarrollo Socio-Cultural y Territorial del Noroeste de Córdoba (Rural Educative Communication for the Socio-Cultural and Territorial Development in the North-West of Cordoba). University Volunteering National Project. Secretary of University Policies National Ministery of Education.

Previously: Grant Holder from the University Extension Secretary, National University of Córdoba, for the project Recuperando saberes ambientales y agroecológicos desde la práctica radial en la escuela. Caso: Las Calles, Traslasierra, Córdoba (Recovering environmental and agro-ecological knowledge through radio practice at school). Case: Las Calles, Traslasierra, Córdoba. Resolution Nº 1457 from the Honourable Superior Council. Director: Ph.D. Emanuelli, Paulina. Co-Director: Agronomical Engineer
Arborno Vilda Miryam.

She has participated in several international and national conferences as exhibitor and lecturer and she has published different scientific works.

Some of the most relevant are:
"La construcción de la noticia penal: competencias del periodista gráfico" (The construction of criminal news: competences of journalists working in print media). In the book Cuestiones sobre perfiles y prácticas profesionales del comunicador social (Issues about professional profiles and practices of social communicators). La Plata: Ediciones PyC – IICom-Grupo Editorial Q, 2011. E-Book. ISBN 978-950-34-0772-1.
 - "Recuperando saberes ambientales y agroecológicos desde la práctica radial en la escuela. Caso Las Calles, Traslasierra, Córdoba" (Recovering environmental and agro-ecological knowledge through radio practice at school. Case Las Calles, Traslasierra, Córdoba). Journal Extensión en Red. Section about Extension projects reports Department of Journalism and Social Communication of La Plata National University. N°3. July, 2011. ISSN-1852-9569. URL:

- "La construcción de la noticia penal: competencias del periodista gráfico" ("The construction of criminal news: competences of journalists working in print media"). Journal Question. July, 2010. Academic journal published by the Department of Journalism and Social Communication of La Plata National University. Nº 27. October, 2010. ISSN 1669-6581. 

"La construcción de la realidad que realiza la prensa sobre el proceso penal: Un juicio oral a puertas cerradas y abiertas". ("The construction of reality carried out by print media on the criminal process: A public and in chamber oral hearing"). Miguel Hernández Communication Journal. MHJC. Nº1. June, 2010. ISSN


She holds the position of editorial secretary of the scientific journal Pangea, editorial organ of the Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social along with the Red Académica Iberoamericana de Comunicación (RAIC). The journal Pangea is part of the Plataforma de Revistas de Comunicación (pLatCom). ISSN:
2172 - 3168. URL:
Since 2011.

Paulina Beatriz Emanuelli, National University of Cordoba

She holds a B.A. Degree in Information Sciences and a Technical Degree in Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba, and a Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences by La Laguna University, Spain. She has pursued Postdoctoral studies in the Advanced Studies Centre of the National University of Córdoba.

Postgraduate Professor.

Her work focuses on Methods of Research in Social Sciences, Research in Applied Communication and Communication for Development in different areas.

Member of the Bank of National Evaluators as a National Researcher, Category II, Secretary of University Policies, Ministery of Education, Science and Technology of Argentina.

She has taken part in numerous evaluation committees of categorization and in the evaluation of research teams and projects for different national universities in the frame of the National Incentives Programme and for the CONICET (National Research Council, Argentina).

She has led several research teams in both universities. She has also led final degree research projects and works from grant holders, both at M.A. and Ph.D. levels, from national and foreign universities. She has been a member of several evaluation committees for the selection of teachers, teachers’ career, and final projects from B.A., M.A. and Ph.D students.

She has participated as an exhibitor and lecturer in several national and international workshops and conferences, and her work has been published several times in books, chapters of books and articles in national and international journals.

She has also worked in the area of university management as the elected Director of the Information Sciences School of National University of Córdoba (UNC), position she has held from 2005 to 2008 and from 2008 to 2011.

At the national level, she has been a member for two consecutive periods of the Directive Committee of FADECCOS and REDCOM, both national networks of Communication Courses. She holds the position of Vice-President of RAIC - Red Iberoamericana de Comunicación Social and she is a founding member of the Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social.

She has been a member, as an alternate Counsellor, of the Federal Council of  Audiovisual Communication, an institution created by the Audiovisual Services Law Nº 26522, on behalf of the universities offering courses or having departments in the field of Social Communication.


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How to Cite

Trimano, L. ., & Emanuelli, P. B. . (2012). Social Representations and Citizenship Practices in a Rural Community: A Strategic Communication Contribution. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 494–510.


